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POLICYNUMBER-,. '12 CS.8 IZ82911 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT -CHANGE $ THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED -OWNERS, LESSEES OR <br />CONTRAOTORS - OPTION I <br />This endorsement modifies in.�Qrance peovided under the following, <br />COMMER.ClAt. GENERAL LIABI.LITY COVERAQI- PART <br />SCHEDULE <br />Namo Of AddlflanaX Inpured Per <br />Any 'person, or f roto Whom you <br />are required by wri.tten contract or <br />agreement. <br />A, Wth respect to those person(s) or orgarlIvAtion(s) <br />shown In the Schedule above when you have <br />agreed In a written contm.ct. or written agreement <br />to provide Insurance such as is afforded under this <br />Policy to tham, Subparagraph I., Any Other <br />Party, under the Additional Insureds When <br />Required By Written. Contract, Wrhten <br />Agreemont C)r Permit Paragraph <br />h of, Section 11 — <br />VVh.o Is An Insured is rep laped With the following: <br />t My Other Party <br />Any. other person or organization who Is i not <br />an InsurGO under Paragraphs. a. through 0. <br />aWvap but only with re'speot to liability for <br />"bodily Injury", ''properly dam age!' or "personal <br />and advertising injury" caused, in whole or In <br />,part, by your .acts or iDmisaloris or the acts or <br />omissions of those Etoting On YOLW,behalf; <br />(1) In the performance of your ongoing <br />qperatlon� for such additional Insured at <br />the project fs) or labation(s), designated In <br />the Srhedulo.; <br />(2) In oonnection with your premises owriod <br />by or anted to you and shown in the <br />Schedule: or <br />Form HS 24 80 07 13. <br />Designated Projeot(s) Or Location(sl <br />(3), In corinaction with "your work" for the <br />additional Insured at the project(s) or <br />lowtion(s) designated In the Schedule <br />and Included Within the "products-. <br />cownpleted operations hazard", Out -only if. <br />(a) The written contract or written <br />agreement requires you to prrMde <br />such coyerage to suoh additional <br />frigured at the project(g) or IoWion(s) <br />design-ated In the ,9ched * We; and <br />This Coverage Part providos <br />covera0e, for "bodily Injury" ' or. <br />"property darviage" Included within the <br />"'products -completed dperations <br />hazard", <br />The Inture1ioo afforded to t ' he addlflonM <br />insun6d shovM In the Schedule applies, <br />(1) Only It, the 'bodily InjulYl or "property <br />dornage' occurs, or the "personal and <br />advertising injury" offense is committed: <br />(a) During the policy period; and <br />(b) Subsequent M the exacwtion of such <br />written contract or written agroementi <br />and <br />107=9 <br />0 2013, The Harfford <br />(includes copyrighted Material of Insurarloo SerVices Office, [no., with Its permission.) <br />111111111 J I I'll 11111111 o <br />