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Commissioner Murachie <br />• Thanked staff for all their hard work. <br />• Wished everyone Happy Holidays. <br />• Congratulated the city and Planning Division on being named the top five Downtown <br />areas. <br />• Noted the neighborhood interest in historic preservation adding he would like to <br />discuss the historic register and Mills Act Agreements when he attends the ComLink <br />and neighborhood meetings. <br />Chairperson Christy <br />• Thanked staff & Commissioners for all their hard work and Ms. Barela for providing <br />the script. <br />• Noted that Thanksgiving is a time to remember family, what we are thankful for, to <br />be humble and kind to everyone. <br />ADJOURNED 6;35 P.M. — The next regular scheduled meeting of the Historic Resources <br />Commission is scheduled for Thursday, January 5, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. in <br />the Council Chamber, 22 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California. <br />Rosa Barela <br />Acting Recording Secretary <br />HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES 11 NOVEMBER 7, 2016 <br />C-60 <br />