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S L P R O P O S A L <br />City of Santa Ana I Water Resources Division <br />RFP #17-131 <br />• Producing these types of special projects will involve additional client meetings and/or <br />conference calls, research, interviews, copywriting, editing, design, creating new <br />graphics, purchasing stock photography, proofreading, vendor relations, obtaining <br />estimates, and coordinating with City approved vendors. Not included in the scope of <br />the budget is actual printing, product purchases, wire services for press releases <br />or other significant reimbursable costs such as photography. <br />Implementation Plan: <br />1. As stated above, SL will assess, identify and prioritize the focus of the Division's outreach in <br />2018 (and each year following) in collaboration with the Water Resources Manager, <br />Principal Civil Engineer, and other City staff. This will be accomplished during our initial <br />meetings, after which we will develop a strategic plan outlining the projects to be carried out. <br />2. With each project, SL will make recommendations for messaging and branding, outline <br />action items, assign tasks, and develop a specific production timeline. <br />3. As in all good strategic planning, we will build in flexibility to support arising needs <br />throughout the year and ensure the City's initiatives are effective. <br />Page 17 of 24 <br />25E-38 <br />