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FULL PACKET_2018-04-3
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2018-04-3
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Last modified
4/2/2018 10:42:47 AM
Creation date
4/2/2018 9:39:28 AM
City Clerk
Doc Type
Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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must be of adequate quality, color rendition and resolution to allow the ready <br />identification of any individual committing a crime anywhere on or adjacent to the <br />location. The recordings shall be maintained unaltered in a secure location for a period <br />of not less than ninety (90) days. The police department may request the recordings in <br />connection with an investigation. <br />b. All controlled access areas, security rooms and all points of <br />ingress/egress to limited access areas and all point of sale (POS) areas shall have fixed <br />camera coverage capable of identifying activity occurring within a minimum of twenty <br />(20) feet. <br />C. The surveillance system storage device or cameras shall be transmission <br />control protocol TCP capable of being accessed through the internet by the police <br />department or their designee on request. <br />d. If applicable, the applicant shall conduct and pay for any required CEQA <br />reviews and analyses, and pay for all costs, including those of the City, associated with <br />project review under CEQA. <br />e. Commercial cannabis businesses shall create and maintain an active <br />account within the State's track and trace system prior to commencing any commercial <br />cannabis retail activity. In the event of system failure, the business shall keep a hard <br />copy record and transfer the information to the track and trace system within 24 hours of <br />the system being available. <br />f. No physical modification of the licensed premises is allowed without <br />written prior permission by the City of Santa Ana and payment of any additional fees <br />required by the City. <br />g. Commercial cannabis business businesses shall provide adequate off- <br />street parking and comply with the City of Santa Ana Municipal Code parking <br />requirements in order to service customers without causing negative impact. <br />h. The commercial cannabis business shall provide adequate disabled <br />access parking per the requirements in the California Building Code. <br />L The commercial cannabis business shall minimize nuisances such as <br />trash, litter, and graffiti. <br />j. Any and all signage, packaging, and facilities shall not be 'attractive', as it <br />is defined by the State, to minors. <br />k. Commercial cannabis business facilities shall be required to provide an air <br />treatment system that ensures off-site odors shall not result from its operations. This <br />requirement at a minimum means that the facility shall be designed to provide sufficient <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 13 of 33 <br />11B-15 <br />
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