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FULL PACKET_2018-04-3
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2018-04-3
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Last modified
4/2/2018 10:42:47 AM
Creation date
4/2/2018 9:39:28 AM
City Clerk
Doc Type
Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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e. During delivery, the delivery employee shall maintain a physical or <br />electronic copy of the delivery request and shall make it available upon request by the <br />licensing authority and law enforcement officers. The delivery request documentation <br />shall comply with State law. <br />f. A licensed delivery employee shall not leave the State of California while <br />possessing cannabis products. <br />g. A commercial cannabis retail business shall maintain a list of all deliveries, <br />including the address delivered to, the amount and type of product delivered, and any <br />other information required by the State. <br />h. A manifest with all information required in this section shall accompany <br />any delivery person at all times during the delivery process and delivery hours. <br />i. Any delivery method shall be made in compliance with State law, as <br />amended, including use of a vehicle that has a dedicated GPS device for identifying the <br />location of the vehicle (cell phones and tablets are not sufficient). <br />j. Each delivery request shall have a receipt prepared by the commercial <br />cannabis retail business with the following information: <br />i. Name and address of the commercial cannabis retail business <br />H. The name of the employee who delivered the order <br />iii. The date and time the delivery request was made <br />iv. The complete delivery addresses <br />V. A detailed description of the cannabis goods requested for delivery <br />including the weight or volume, or any accurate measure of the <br />amount of cannabis goods requested. <br />vi. The total amount paid for the delivery including any fees or taxes. <br />k. At the time of the delivery, the date and time delivery was made, and the <br />signature of the person who received the delivery. <br />I. No cannabis delivery vehicle shall display signs, decals or any other form <br />of advertisement with the exception of a maximum four -inch by four -inch decal. <br />M. Inspections by an authorized City of Santa Ana representative may be <br />conducted anytime during regular business hours. <br />6. Additional Operational Standards for Commercial Cannabis Testing <br />Facilities or Laboratories <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 18 o133 <br />11 B-20 <br />
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