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.HDI GLOBAL INSURANCE COMPANY <br />MANUSCRIPT ENDORSEMENT # 32 <br />Policy Number <br />GLD1 I 101.-10 <br />'Named Insured <br />SIEMENS CORPORATION <br />Policy Period: Inception (1111.-D4) Expiration (M -WY) Effective'Date and <br />Time of Endorserrroot <br />10-01-2018 1 001 -2019 <br />Insured, <br />Thi s,enclorsementChangosThin Polloy. Please Read It Porefully, <br />BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED <br />This.ondorsernent.mQdIfles insurance provided under the following: <br />'10-01-20'18 12:,01 a.m. Standard Time <br />ai.Address oftho <br />Commercial General Liability Coverage Form <br />Who is an Insured is amended to include as an additional Insured any person Whom you are required to add as. an <br />.additional insured on this; policy under a wriltena'greernent, but onlywith respect to liability for "bodily lnjury`, "property <br />d a ma,g a!' o I.* ' porsQ na land edve,rtising, injury" :caused, In whole or -I n park, by: 1. Yo or acts. . UI' omissions; or 2. The a.cjs <br />or auris ions of those acting on your behalf, Tho insurance coverage provided to' SLICh additional1risured applies only <br />to thd extent required within tho written agreement.. <br />The insuranpocoverage :provided. to tho additional Insured person shall not provide any b i roader cqvp.ragqth0n you are <br />required to provide to the additidnal insured person in the written agreement and shall not proVida limits, of insurance that <br />exceed the lowprof the Limits of lin-s.uranpo provided to you in this policy, qrthe'limits of Insuranoeyou <br />are. required to <br />prQVId,o in tho written agtoohie nt. <br />The insurance proyJdpd to the additional insured by -this ondorsement is excess over any vaild'and collectible other <br />insoronce,'Whet-fter prirriary,' excess, contingent, or on. any other basls, that Is available to the additianafin*s'ur'od'for a loss <br />We cover underthis endorsement. However, ifthe written agreement specifically requires that this insurance apply on a <br />primary basis, thi's insurance is primary, If the written agreement specifically requires this insurance apply on a primary <br />and non-cantributoty basis thJg insurance is p6maryto other, insurance available to the additional Insured and wo Will not <br />share'With that other insurance provided that the, additional, insured is a. Named Insured under such other insurance. <br />This,endorsoment shall prevail overadditipirial insured ondorsemantsthat may apply, underthis pollcyunlozs required <br />othenMso in thewrittenAgreement, <br />Authorized ReprosentotlVe <br />.All terms and conditions of the policy remain unchanged. <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT MUST BE ATTACHED TO A CHANGE ENDOPSEMENT WHEN ISSUE.D,AFTER THE POLICY <br />IS 11 RITTEN6 <br />Page - <br />REVIEWED BY:::::_ EUNICE HEREDIA(PG (PG 9F <br />