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Name Page count Is indexed Date created Date modified Volume name Template name
NS-2889 - Reaffirm a Ban on the Cultivation and Delivery of Marijuana[Icon] 3 Yes 2/23/2016 3:28:49 PM 2/23/2016 3:29:51 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2890 - Rezoning Properties Located at 710, 714, and 720 East Sixth Street ...[Icon] 4 Yes 2/23/2016 9:53:25 AM 2/23/2016 3:30:00 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2891 - Amending Chapter 41 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Update Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance[Icon] 9 Yes 2/23/2016 10:01:45 AM 2/23/2016 3:30:05 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2892 - Rezoning the Heritage Property ...[Icon] 11 Yes 2/23/2016 10:02:56 AM 2/23/2016 3:30:13 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
NS-2893 - Approving a Development Agreement for Property Located at 2001 East Dyer Road...[Icon] 36 Yes 2/23/2016 10:03:33 AM 2/23/2016 3:30:38 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2894 - Amending Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 32-107 Relating to Tow Trucks[Icon] 3 Yes 3/8/2016 4:48:34 PM 3/8/2016 5:24:56 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2895 - Approving a Second Amended and Restated Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and Diocese of Orange Education and Welfare Corporation...[Icon] 32 Yes 4/20/2016 10:17:09 AM 5/18/2016 1:58:40 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2896 - Amending Chapter 18 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Unarmed Guards...[Icon] 6 Yes 6/23/2016 1:50:16 PM 6/23/2016 1:50:44 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2897 - Rezoning the Amcal Multi Housing Two, LLC...[Icon] 10 Yes 5/18/2016 1:55:44 PM 5/18/2016 1:56:24 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2898 - Adopting the Proactive Rental Enforcement Program ‎(PREP)‎ in Chapter Eight of Santa Ana Municipal Code[Icon] 22 Yes 5/26/2016 10:39:04 AM 5/26/2016 10:41:36 AM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2899 - Rezoning Four Properties Located at 1506 through 1548 West First Street...[Icon] 9 Yes 6/15/2016 2:12:13 PM 6/15/2016 2:13:25 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2900 - Appropriating Monies to Several Offices, Agencies, and Departments...[Icon] 425 Yes 6/29/2016 1:54:37 PM 6/29/2016 1:55:54 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2901 - Amending Chapter 1 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Code Enforcement Citations[Icon] 3 Yes 6/29/2016 1:53:54 PM 6/29/2016 1:54:23 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2902 - Amending Chapter 2 of Santa Ana Municipal Code by Adding A New Section 2-111 Requiring Mayor and Council Member...[Icon] 3 Yes 7/11/2016 3:46:04 PM 7/11/2016 3:46:52 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2903 - Amending Chapter 22 and Chapter 41 With Regard to Massage and Massage Establishments[Icon] 19 Yes 7/11/2016 2:53:50 PM 7/11/2016 3:48:46 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2904 - Repealing and Reenacting in its Entirety Article VII of Chapter 36 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Establishing Prima Facie Speed Limits[Icon] 12 Yes 10/27/2016 10:21:26 AM 10/27/2016 10:22:42 AM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2905 - Amending Chapter 8 and 14 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Adopt and Amend ...[Icon] 31 Yes 1/25/2017 9:19:22 AM 2/8/2017 2:46:47 PM DEFAULT City Clerk
NS-2906 - Approving an Amendment to Provisions of Chapter 41 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Requirement of Underground Utility Installations[Icon] 4 Yes 1/24/2017 11:13:15 AM 1/24/2017 11:18:28 AM CLERK000002 City Clerk
NS-2907 - Replacing City of Santa Ana Zoning Sectional District Maps Into a New Graphic Format[Icon] 3 Yes 1/24/2017 11:12:59 AM 1/24/2017 11:18:29 AM CLERK000002 City Clerk
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