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INSURANCE ON FILE <br />WORK MAY PROCEED <br />UNTIL Goa ,ICE EXPIRES <br />CITY CLERK <br />A-2024-101 <br />DATE: A 9 Z"4 <br />LEASE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AND <br />(�',ke 0✓bi) �w PGH WONG ENGINEERING, INC. FOR USE OF THE SANTA ANA REGIONAL <br />TRANSPORTATION CENTER FACILITIES <br />THIS LEASE (the "Lease") is made as of July 17, 2024, by and between the City of <br />Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the <br />Constitution and laws of the State of California ("City" or "Landlord"), and PGH Wong <br />Engineering, Inc., a California corporation ("Tenant'). <br />1. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits are attached hereto and incorporated herein by <br />reference: <br />Exhibit "A" The Premises <br />Exhibit'B" Additional Lease Conditions <br />2. PREMISES: Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, and Tenant hereby leases from <br />Landlord, upon the terms, covenants and subject to the conditions set forth herein, a portion of <br />the property located at 1000 East Santa Ana Boulevard in the City of Santa Ana, commonly <br />known as the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center (SARTC). Specifically, Tenant will be <br />leasing the portion identified as Suite 220, consisting of approximately 3,284 square feet of <br />interior office space (hereinafter referred to as the "PREMISES"). Tenant shall be solely <br />responsible at its own expense for all improvements made to the Premises and obtain all <br />necessary permits. The Premises are more particularly described in Exhibit A. The Landlord <br />reserves the right to reconfigure the lease space or relocate the Tenant within SARTC by <br />providing Tenant with a 30-day notice of such reconfiguration or relocation. <br />3. COMMENCEMENT OF TERM: The term of this Lease (the "Term") shall <br />commence on July 17, 2024 (the "Commencement Date"), and expire on July 16, 2025, unless <br />sooner terminated, as provided herein. <br />4. ADDITIONAL LEASE CONDITIONS: Tenant acknowledges that this lease is subject <br />to compliance with the additional lease conditions attached hereto as Exhibit B. These <br />additional lease conditions are a material part of this lease agreement and any default of these <br />conditions will be deemed a major breach and will subject this lease to termination per the terms <br />identified herein. <br />5. EXTENSION PERIODS: Landlord shall have the right, but not the obligation, to <br />provide Tenant the option to extend the Term for up to one (1) year, or any part thereof, on the <br />same terms and conditions as set forth in this Lease. Such extension shall be agreed to in <br />writing by the Landlord and Tenant prior to the expiration of the Term or any extension period <br />then in effect. If Tenant does not exercise its option to extend as provided herein, Tenant will be <br />deemed a holdover Tenant and subject to paragraph 7 of this Lease. The Lease is subject to a <br />Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase for any extension period. <br />6. RENT: Upon the Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as rent ("Rent') <br />the monthly sum of Eight Thousand, Six Hundred Twenty -One Dollars and 00/100 ($8,621.00) <br />Page 1 of 11 <br />