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ORDINANCE NO. NS-613 AMENDISG ARTICLE IX OF T~ <br />~.~;. ANA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ~HANGE DISTRICT CLASSIc <br />FICATION ON A~NBMENT APPLICATION ~04 AND AMENDING <br />SECTIONAL DISTRICT ~PS ~-~-9 AND 3~-4-9 (EXHIBIT <br /> <br />the Pla~nin~ C~ission has glYen notice of and duly held n public hearin~ on ~endment Application <br /> <br />t_~ted by said Cc~nission for a ch-~e in District classification f~ the A-1 (County) District to the <br /> <br />District, and said C~ssion has recc~ended approval of said Application; and <br /> <br />WH~EAS, the City Council regularly held n public hearing on notice and does now find that the public necessity, <br /> <br />cenience ~nd general welfare require the followi~ amen~ent, and that the use under the ney classification will mot <br /> <br />~eterinen~al to the surToundi~ property. <br /> <br />NOW, TH~{EFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF SANTA A~A DOES OBllqIN AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />$~TION 1: That the real property in the City of Santa Ann, Co~ty of Orate, State of California, descrihed as: <br /> <br />Parcel 1: <br /> <br />BeSiuning at s point on the center line of Cambridge Street located ~OO feet, moro or less, <br />Northerly fr~n that point ~nere the center line of Ca~hrid~e Street intersects the center <br />l~ne of Fnirhavsa Ay enue$ thence Easterly along a line approximately pax~.lel th the center <br />line of Falrhaven A~enue for a dis~nce of 1320 feet, moro or less; thence Northerly along a <br />line approximately parallel to the center l~ne of C~mbridEe Street for n 4/stance of 9ZO feet, <br />more or less; thence Westerly along a line &pprox~mately pe~a]-lel to the center line of Fair- <br />ha~en Avenue for a distance of 1320 feet, more or less, to the center line of Cambridge Street; <br />thence Southerly along the center line of Cambridge Street for a dist&nce of 920 feet, more or <br />less, to the point of be~ioning, <br /> <br />~erehy reclassified fr~ the A-1 (County) District to the 60--R-1--7200 (City) District, and Sectional District <br /> <br />~-9 (Exhibit AA ~O~ A) is hereby amended to show said reclassification. <br /> <br />S~"TION 2: That the roal property in the City of 8an~a Ann, County of Ora~e, State of California, described as: <br /> <br />Beginning at a point whero the center line of Santa Clara Avenue intersects %he Fairheven and C~mbridge <br />Southeast Annex ~oundary line on the Easterly portion of the property; thence Westerly along the center <br />line of Santa Clara Avenue for n distance of ~1~.~ feet, more or less, to the said ~oundory line un the <br />Western portion of the property; thence Southerly along the said boundary lime on the Westerly portion <br />of the property for a distance of 163~.3 feet, more or less; thence Easterly along ~he Said boundary <br />line of the seuthera portion of the property for a distance of 830 feet, more or less; thence Northerly <br />along said hou~ line on the Eastern portion of said property for a distance of 58~.~ feet, moro or <br />less; thence Westerly along said Boundary line on the Northerly edge of the property for a distance of <br />~1~.1 feet, moro or less; thence Northerly along said boundary em the Easters portion of the property <br />for a distance of 10~3.1 feet, moro or less, to the point of heginn~, <br /> <br />hereby reclassified from the A-1 (~unty) District to the 60--R-1--7200 (City) District, and Sectional District Map <br /> <br />~-9 (Exhibit AA ~O~ A) is hereby amended ta show said reclassification. <br /> <br />SECTION 3: This Ordi--nce shall take effect thirty days from and after the date of its adoption. <br /> <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED By the City Council of the ~ity of Santo Ann at its regular meeting b~ld on the 15th day of <br /> <br />oBer, 1~62. <br /> <br />MAYOR <br /> <br />IS M. BROWN <br />~ OF T~E COUNCIL (S~At) <br /> <br />TE OF CALIFORNIA) <br />F~ OF ORANGE ) SS <br />Y OF S~TA ANA ) <br /> <br />I, DORIS M. BROWN, do hereby certify that I am the Clerk of the Council of the City of Santo A~a, California; that <br />forogoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held nn the 1st day of <br />oher, 1962, and was again considerod by said Council at its regular meeting held on the 19th day of October, 1962, <br />-+. said meeting was rogularly passed and adopted by said Council hy the fol~o~ng vote, to-~t: <br /> <br /> ~YES, C0UNCII~: Royal E. Hubbard, Henry S. ScBlueter, James Gilmore, Bob Brewer, A. A. u,~l <br /> NOES, COUNCIl: None <br /> ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None <br /> <br />(S~AL) <br /> <br />DO~IS M. B~ <br /> <br />CL~ OF THE COUNCIL <br /> <br />I IIIIII1[I I III I III I IIIII I II I IIIIIIIIII II <br /> <br /> <br />