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'INSURA~CF_. NOT <br /> ~ORK MAY <br /> CLERK OF COUNCIL <br /> <br /> AMENDMENT <br /> TO <br /> JOINT AGREEMENT <br /> FOR ~ <br /> IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION <br /> OF THE <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> 800 MEGA~I~RTZ <br />COUNTYWIDE COORDINATED COMMUNICATIONS <br />SYSTEM <br /> DATED JANUARY 30, 1996 <br /> <br />A-2003-182 <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the parties hereto previously entered into that JOINT AGREEIV~NT FOR THE <br />IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION OF THE ORANGE COUNTY 800 MEGAHERTZ <br />COUNTYWIDE COORDINATED COlVI1VIUNICATIONS SYSTEM dated January 30, 1996 <br />and fully executed April 24, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as "Joint Agreement"); and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Section 15 of the Joint Agreement which addresses the issue of Cost Sharing for <br />the 8001VlHz Backbone System expenses, provides in material part: "the Governance Committee <br />shall specify the appropriate costs to be included in this cost sharing arrangement and the <br />formula on how these costs shall be distributed to the Parties to the Agreement. This distribution <br />of costs shall be included as an amendment to this agreement after the mutual approval of the <br />Parties to the Agreement."; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the parties to the Joint Agreement have now reached consensus on the <br />appropriate costs and how these cost shall be distributed to the parties, and intend this document <br />to be the Amendment to the Joint Agreement in which that consensus is set forth. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: <br /> <br />i. Delete Section 15 SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS AND COS~i' SHARING located on <br /> Page 13 9fthe Joint Agreement, and substitute the following in its place: <br /> <br />"15 SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS AND COST SHARING <br /> <br />1SA System Modifications <br /> <br />System modifications ~nay be needed' from time-to-time to meet the changing <br />needs of Participating Agencies.. System modifications, expansions or <br />enhancements will not be allowed without technical review by the County ~nd <br />spproval by the Governance Committee, System modifications recommended by <br />County a.nd agreed to by the Governance Committee will then be forwarded to <br />Governing Authorities for approval, as appropriate, and implemented by County, <br /> <br /> <br />