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MINUTES OF 'THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SANTA AHA, CALIFORNIA <br /> <br />April 17, 1972 <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order at 2:05 P.M. in the Council Chan~bers of the City <br />Hall Annex, 530 North Ross Street~ with the following Councilmen present: Vernon <br />S. Evans, Wade Herrin, Jo Ogden Markel, Jerry Mo Patterson, Ray Villa, Harry <br />Ko Yamamoto, and Mayor Lorin Griset0 Also present were City Manager Carl Jo <br />Thornton, City Attorney James Ao Withers, Director of Public Works Ronald <br />Wolford, Director of Planning Herbert Wieland, and Clerk of the Council Florence <br />Io Malone. <br /> <br />MINUTES <br /> <br />mitred on motion of Councilman Evans, <br />unanimously carried° <br /> <br /> The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of <br /> April~3, and the Special Meeting of <br /> April 7, 1972, were approved as sub- <br />seconded by Councilman Villa, and <br /> <br />SPECIAL RECOGNITION The Mayor gave special recognition to <br /> DeMolay and Valley High School students <br /> present at the meeting for Santa Ana <br />Civic Day. Dale Witherton was Student Mayor for the day~ and introduced the <br />others who were present° He also complimented and thanked City officials for the <br />program presented to them during the day° <br /> <br />SANTA AHA RIVER/SANTIAGO Mr° C.R. Sackett, Grmenbelt Coordinator, <br />CREEK GREENBELT PLAN Orange County {~lanning Commission, made <br /> a presentation on the history of the Greenbelt <br />Program, and a description of the plan and the mechanism by which it will be <br />implemented° He stated that the Orange County Supervisors authorized a study and <br />report of the plan; that one recommendation was the hiring of a Greenbelt Coordinator <br />and establishing an organization to implement the plan; that the County formed an ad <br />hoc committee with one representative from each of ten cities, four County department <br />heads, and three from special districts; that the implementation program submitted to <br />the Board of Supervisors was approved by them on March. mist, and the resolution was <br />sent to each city for approval° <br /> <br />Mr° Sacker presented slides of the area in which the Greenbelt ,is proposed along the <br />Santa Ana River, beginning at the ocean and continuing to the County line~ with a -~ <br />branch at Santiago Creek. He stated that a cover letter ~hou]~lhave been attached t¢ <br />the resolution sent to the cities requesting the cities to: -- <br /> <br /> (1) endorse the Greenbelt Implementation Plan; <br /> (2) appoint a Council member to the Organization Committee; <br /> (3) appoint a staff member to the Program Planning Committee; and <br /> (4) appoint five citizens to the City and Unincorporated Areas Committee° <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL <br /> <br />-149- <br /> <br />April 17, 1972 <br /> <br /> <br />