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1901 E Dyer Rd - Soils Report
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1901 E Dyer Rd
1901 E Dyer Rd - Soils Report
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Soils Report
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Alliance Residence October 18,2016 <br />J.N.: 2530.00 <br />Page 11 <br />Following removals/overexcavation, the exposed grade should first be scarified to a depth of 8 <br />inches, brought to at least 110 percent of the optimum moisture content, and then compacted to at <br />least 90 percent of the laboratory standard. <br />6.1.5 Fill Placement <br />In general, materials excavated from the site may be used as fill provided they are free of deleterious <br />materials and particles greater than 4 inches in maximum dimension. Fill materials should be placed <br />in loose lifts no greater than approximately 8 inches in thickness. Each lift should be watered or air- <br />dried as necessary to achieve 110 percent to 120 percent of the optimum moisture content, and then <br />compacted in place to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard. The laboratory standard for <br />maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for each soil type should be determined in <br />accordance with ASTM D 1557. Each lift should be treated in a similar manner. Subsequent lifts <br />should not be placed until the project geotechnical consultant has tested the preceding lift. Lifts <br />should be maintained relatively level and should not exceed a gradient of 20:1 (H:V). <br />Excavations into site materials may expose soils with very differing characteristics. If such differing <br />materials are created through excavation, they should be blended to create a relatively uniform soil <br />mix when reused as fill below the structures. The blending of each lift should be observed and <br />approved by the geotechnical consultant prior to placement of additional lifts of fill. <br />6.1.6 Import Materials <br />If import materials are required to achieve the proposed finish grades, the proposed import soil <br />should be free from deleterious materials, should have an Expansion Index (EI) less than 100 and be <br />non-corrosive to concrete and ferrous metals. The geotechnical consultant should be informed of <br />import sources prior to hauling the materials to the site so that appropriate testing and evaluation of <br />the proposed import material can be performed in advance. <br />6.1.7 Temporary Excavations <br />Temporary construction slopes in site materials that are not surcharged may be cut vertically up to a <br />height of 5 feet. Temporary excavations greater than 5 feet but no greater than 10 feet in height that <br />are not surcharged should be laid back at a maximum gradient of 1: 1 (H:V) or properly shored. <br />Slopes that expose friable soils should be laid back to a maximum gradient of 1.5: 1 (H:V) or flatter <br />i f deemed appropriate by the geotechnical consultant. Temporary excavations greater than 10 feet in <br />height or any excavations that will be surcharged should be reviewed by the geotechnical consultant <br />for specific recommendations. <br />Excavations should not be left open for prolonged periods of time. The project geotechnical <br />consultant should observe all temporary cuts to confirm anticipated conditions and to provide <br />alternate recommendations if conditions dictate.All excavations should conform to the <br />requirements of Cal/OSHA. Where insufficient room exists for recommended lay back cuts, shoring <br />or slot cutting methods may be required. Additional recommendations for such conditions will be <br />provided at that time. <br />The grading contractor should take appropriate measures when excavating adjacent existing <br />improvements to avoid disturbing or compromising support of existing structures. <br />ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.
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