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Alliance Residence October 18,2016 <br />J.N.: 2530.00 <br />Page 12 <br />6.2 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS <br />For design of the project in accordance with Chapter 16 of the 2013 CBC, the following table <br />presents the seismic design factors: <br />TABLE 6.1 <br />2013 CBC Seismic Design Parameters <br />Parameter Value <br />Site Class D <br />Importance Factor I, II, III <br />Mapped MCE Spectral Response Acceleration, short periods, SS 1.512 <br />Mapped MCE't Spectral Response Acceleration, at 1 -sec. period, Si 0.559 <br />Site Coefficient, Fa 1.0 <br />Site Coefficient, Fv 1.5 <br />Adjusted MCER Spectral Response Acceleration, short periods, SMS 1.512 <br />Adjusted MCER Spectral Response Acceleration, at 1 -sec. period, SMI 0.839 <br />Design Spectral Response Acceleration, short periods, SDS 1.008 <br />Design Spectral Response Acceleration, at 1 -sec. period, SDI 0.559 <br />MCER = Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake <br />6.3 FOUNDATION DESIGN <br />6.3.1 General <br />The following recommendations are presented for preliminary design and estimating purposes. <br />These recommendations have been based on typical site materials encountered during our subsurface <br />investigation. Final recommendations should be provided by the project geotechnical consultant <br />following observation and testing of site materials during grading. Depending upon actual site <br />conditions and foundation loads, the recommendations contained herein may require modification. <br />6.3.2 Soil Expansion <br />The recommendations presented herein are based on soils with a High expansion potential (EI<100 <br />and PI<30). Following site grading, additional testing of site soils should be performed by the <br />project geotechnical consultant to confirm the basis of these recommendations. If site soils with <br />higher expansion potentials are encountered or imported to the site, the recommendations contained <br />herein may require modification. <br />6.3.3 Settlement <br />Foundations will be subject to static settlement. Mat-type foundations, if used, should be designed <br />to provide stiffness sufficient to limit differential settlement to tolerable limits of the structures. The <br />differential settlement may be based on the recommended modulus of subgrade reaction provided <br />later in this report. The modulus values provided herein are based on loading as discussed in Section <br />1.3. If actual loading will vary significantly from these assumptions, then revisions to the <br />recommended modulus values may be required. ' <br />ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.