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Alliance Residence October 18,2016 <br />J.N. 2530.00 <br />Page 17 <br />TABLE 6.3 <br />SEISMIC EARTH PRESSURES <br />B <br />. <br />. <br />1 <br />H + f OR - <br />1 <br />/. 4 <br />-1 . 1 1.A I 1 C <br />Static Seismic Total <br />Component Component Force <br />Active Earth Pressure Values <br />I-.I-.... - //...1 -:......'£ (......'./ - I.-f./ - . ...144/I ./ <br />* L__ .12 1.1-1.1.,2011€YWill-Led.Adidlill*Li_U _i. _ uu_.. 2 19 fuif· · <br />A *On 87H <br />B liH 1IH <br />C 26H 49H <br />Note. <br />H is in feet and resulting pressure is in psf. Design may utilize either the sum of the static component and <br />the seismic component force diagrams or the total force diagram above. SEAOSC has suggested using a <br />load factor of 1.7 for the static component and 1.0 for the seismic component. The actual load factors <br />should be determined by the structural engineer. <br />6.4.4 Drainage and Moisture-Proofing <br />Retaining walls should be constructed with a perforated pipe and gravel subdrain to prevent <br />entrapment of water in the backfill. The perforated pipe should consist of 4-inch-diameter, ABS <br />SDR-35 or PVC Schedule 40 with the perforations laid down, The pipe should be embedded in -14- <br />to I '4-inch open-graded gravel wrapped in filter fabric. The gravel should be at least one foot wide <br />and extend at least one foot up the wall above the footing and drainage outlet. Drainage gravel and <br />piping should not be placed below outlets and weepholes. Filter fabric should consist of Mirafi <br />140N, or equal. Outlet pipes should be directed to positive drainage devices. <br />The use of weepholes may be considered in locations where aesthetic issues from potential nuisance <br />water are not a concern. Weepholesshould be 2 inches in diameter and provided at least every 6 feet <br />on center. Where weepholes are used, perforated pipe may be omitted from the gravel subdrain. <br />ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES,INC.