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1901 E Dyer Rd - Soils Report
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1901 E Dyer Rd
1901 E Dyer Rd - Soils Report
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6/23/2022 1:32:37 PM
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6/23/2022 1:31:29 PM
Soils Report
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Alliance Residence October 18,2016 <br />J.N.: 2530.00 <br />Page 18 <br />Retaining walls supporting backfill should also be coated with a moisture-proofing compound or <br />covered with such material to inhibit infiltration of moisture through the walls. Moisture-proofing <br />material should cover any portion of the back of wall that will be in contact with soil and should lap <br />over and cover the top of footing. A drainage panel should be provided between the water proofing and <br />soil backfill. The panel should extend from the top of the subdrain gravel to within 12 inches of finish <br />grade. The top of footing should be finished smooth with a trowel to inhibit the infiltration of water <br />through the wall. The project structural engineer should provide specific recommendations for <br />moisture-proofing, water stops, and joint details. <br />6.4.5 Footing Reinforcement and Wall Jointing <br />All continuous footings should be reinforced with a minimum of four No. 4 bars, two top and two <br />bottom. Walls should be provided with cold joints spaced no more than 40 feet apart. The structural <br />engineer may require different reinforcement or jointing and should dictate if greater than the <br />recommendations provided herein. Where recommended removals are limited due to space <br />restrictions, greater reinforcement and closer jointing may be recommended.Specific <br />recommendations should be provided by the geotechnical consultant during grading based on as- <br />built conditions exposed in the field. <br />6.4.6 Footing Observations <br />Footing excavations should be observed by the project geotechnical consultant to verify that they <br />have been excavated into competent bearing soils and to the minimum embedment recommended <br />herein. These observations should be performed prior to placement of forms or reinforcement. The <br />excavations should be trimmed neat, level, and square. Loose, sloughed or moisture-softened <br />materials and debris should be removed prior to placing concrete. <br />6.4.7 Retaining Wall Backfill <br />Portions of onsite soils are suitable for use as backfill for retaining walls. Soils used for backfill <br />should not have an EI greater than 50. The backfill zone is defined by a 1 to 1 plane projecting up <br />from the base of the retaining wall. The project geotechnical consultant should approve all backfill <br />used for retaining walls. Wall backfill should be moisture-conditioned to slightly over the optimum <br />moisture content; placed in lifts no greater than 8 inches in thickness, and then mechanically <br />compacted with appropriate equipment to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard. Hand- <br />operated compaction equipment should be used to compact the backfill placed immediately adjacent <br />the wall to avoid damage to the wall. Flooding or jetting of backfill material is not recommended. <br />6.5 EXTERIOR FLATWORK <br />Exterior flatwork should be a minimum 4 inches thick. Cold joints or saw cuts should be provided at <br />least every 5 feet in each direction. Flatwork more than 5 feet in width across the minimum <br />dimension should be reinforced with 6" by 6", W2.9 by W2.9 welded wire mesh or No 3 bars spaced <br />18 inches center to center in both directions. Cold joints should be keyed or provided with dowels <br />spaced 18 inches on center. Such flatwork that meets the structure at points of entry should also be <br />doweled into the footing or grade beam of the structure. Consideration should also be given to <br />doweling flatwork into curbs where they meet. <br />ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.
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