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APPENDIX A <br />FIELD INVESTIGATION <br />A.1 Introduction <br />The subsurface conditions of the additional field investigation for the proposed Alliance <br />Heritage Residential Project were investigated by performing 5 hollow-stem auger (HSA) <br />borings (B-8 through B-12). The locations of the additional explorations and previous <br />explorations (B-1 through B-7) are presented in Figure 2 of the main report. <br />Prior to beginning the field exploration program, access permission and encroachment <br />permits were obtained as necessary from Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA). <br />Underground Service Alert (USA) was notified for checking subsurface utilities. In addition, <br />geophysical methods were also utilized to locate any potential subsurface utilities. The <br />exploration methods are described in the following sections. <br />A.2 Soil Drilling and Sampling <br />Drilling. Logging. and Soil Classification <br />Borings were drilled by Group Delta Consultants' (GDC) subcontractors, Martini Drilling and <br />2R Drilling, under the continuous technical supervision of a GDC field engineer, who visually <br />inspected the soil samples, checked groundwater levels when encountered, maintained <br />detailed records of the borings, and visually / manually classified the soils in accordance with <br />the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 2488 (Visual-Manual Procedure) and <br />ASTM D 2487 (Unified Soil Classification System [USCS]). Logging and classification was <br />performed in general accordance with Caltrans' "Soil and Rock Logging Classification, and <br />Presentation Manual (2010 Edition)". A Boring Record Legend and Key for Soil Classification <br />are included in this Appendix. <br />Sampling <br />Drive samples were collected at a depth interval of 5 feet to the bottom of explored depth. <br />The sampling was performed using Standard Penetration Test (SPT) samplers in accordance <br />with ASTM D 1586 and Ring-Lined "California" Split Barrel samplers in accordance with ASTM <br />D 3550. <br />Bulk samples were collected from auger cuttings and placed in plastic bags. <br />SPT drive samples were obtained using a 2-inch outside diameter and 1.375-inch inside <br />diameter split-spoon sampler without lining. The soil recovered from the SPT sampling was <br />sealed in plastic bags to preserve the natural moisture content. California drive samples were <br />collected with a 3-inch outside diameter, 2.5-inch inside diameter split barrel sampler with a <br />2.42-inch inside diameter cutting shoe. The sampler barrel is lined with 18-inches of brass <br />rings for sample collection and has an additional length of waste barrel. The brass liner rings <br />for sample collection are 1-inch high, 2.42-inch inside diameter, and 2.5-inch outside <br /> GROUP DELTA