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Appendix A - Field Investigation <br />2001 E. Dyer Road <br />Santa Ana, California <br />GDC Project No. LA-1248A <br />Page A-2 <br />diameter. California samples were removed from the sampler, retained in the rings and <br />placed in sealed plastic canisters to prevent loss of moisture. <br />At each sampling interval, the drive samplers were fitted onto sampling rod, lowered to the <br />bottom of the boring, and driven 18 inches or to refusal (50 blows per 6 inches) with a 140-Ib <br />hammer free-falling a height of 30-inches using an automatic hammer. The number of <br />hammer blows to advance the samplers each 6" increment is presented on the boring records. <br />When samplers advanced under static weight of the hammer without driving, a "P" for "push" <br />was recorded on the boring records for each 6" increment. <br />Compared to the SPT, the California sampler provides less disturbed samples. Shelby Tubes <br />provide the least sample disturbance and are considered undisturbed. <br />Relative Density and Consistencv <br />Equivalent SPT N*60 values were used as the basis for classifying relative density of <br />granular/cohesionless soils. Wherever possible, consistency classification of cohesive soils <br />was based on undrained shear strength estimated in the field with a pocket penetrometer or <br />by testing in the laboratory. Drive sample field blow Counts, SPT N*60 values, pocket <br />penetrometer readings and corresponding density/consistency classifications are presented <br />on the boring records. <br />Borehole Abandonment <br />At the completion of the drilling groundwater was measured (where possible) and the borings <br />were abandoned by backfilling the borehole with Bentonite / cement grout. The surface was <br />patched with cold mix asphalt concrete. Notes describing the borehole abandonment are <br />presented on the boring records. <br />Sample Handling and Transport <br />Geotechnical samples were preserved and transported in general accordance with ASTM <br />D 4220. Samples were sealed to prevent moisture loss, packed in appropriate protective <br />containers, and transported to the geotechnical laboratory for further examination and <br />geotechnical testing. <br />Laboratory Testing <br />The soils were further examined and tested in the laboratory and classified in accordance with <br />the USCS following ASTM D 2487 and D 2488. Field classifications presented on the boring <br />records were modified where necessary on the basis of the laboratory test results. <br />Descriptions of the laboratory tests performed and test results are presented in Appendix B. <br />k GROLIP DELTA