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603284-001 <br />5.1.2 General Grading Recommendations <br />The proposed new buildings and structure including site walls, e.g. <br />retaining and freestanding walls, may be supported on conventional <br />shallow foundation systems established on engineered fill or undisturbed <br />natural soils. The existing fill should be removed and replaced as <br />engineered fill. The removal of existing soil should extend horizontally at <br />least the depth of excavation. For cost estimating purposes, it may be <br />assumed that existing fill at the site extends roughly 5 feet bgs, except at <br />former UST locations. <br />After completion of the overexcavation and prior to fill placement, the <br />exposed soils should be scarified to a minimum depth of 12 inches, <br />moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent relative <br />compaction based on ASTM Test Method D 1557-10. <br />The onsite soils, less any deleterious material or organic matter, can be <br />used in required fills. Cobbles larger than 6 inches in largest diameter <br />should not be used in the fill. Crushed asphalt concrete can be pulverized <br />to particles no larger than an inch in largest dimension, and mixed with <br />site soils to be place as compacted fill, if approved by the City of Santa <br />Ana. Any required import material should consist of relatively non- <br />expansive soils with an Expansion Index (El) less than 20. The imported <br />materials should contain sufficient fines (binder material) so as to be <br />relatively impermeable and result in a stable subgrade when compacted. <br />All proposed import materials should be approved by the geotechnical <br />engineer of record prior to being placed at the site. <br />5.1.3 Pipe Bedding <br />Any proposed pipe should be placed on properly placed bedding <br />materials. Pipe bedding should extend to a depth in accordance to the <br />pipe manufacturefs specification. The pipe bedding should extend to at <br />least 12 inches over the top of the pipeline. The bedding material may <br />consist of compacted free-draining sand, gravel, or crushed rock. Pipe <br />bedding material should have a Sand Equivalent (SE) of at least 30. <br />-20- <br />Leighton