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LEROY CRANDALL <br />AND ASSOCIATES <br />Page 3 <br />additional fill be properly compacted.If this is done, footings may be estab- <br />lished in either the compacted fill or the underlying natural soils.Recommen- <br />dations for grading are presented in a following section. The excavation of <br />the upper soils and the compaction of all required fill should be inspected <br />and tested by our firm. <br />Bearing Value <br />If the recommendations in the following section- on grading are fol- <br />lowed, spread footings may be established in properly compacted fill or in <br />the underlying undisturbed natural.soils. Where necessary, footings may be <br />established partly on corripacted fill and partly on undisturbed natural soils. <br />Exterior footings should be carried to a depth of at least three feet below <br />the adjacent final grade.Interior footings may be established at a depth <br />of two feet below the adjacent floor level.Spread footings established on <br />properly compacted fill or in undisturbed natural soils and carried to the <br />recommended depth with respect to final grade or floor level, may be designed <br />to impose a net dead plus live load pressure of .2,000 pounds per square foot. <br />The weight of concrete in the footings may be taken at 50 pounds per cubic foot, <br />and the weight of soil backfill over footings may be neglected when using this <br />net bearing value. A one-third increase in the bearing value may be used when <br />considering wind or seismic loads. <br />If desired, any loading dock walls may be supported on shallower spread <br />-1 <br />ootings using a lesser bearing value. Footings for such light loads estab- <br />-r <br />lished in properly compacted fill or the underlyi,ng natural soils and extend i Qg <br />.. <br />-at least 16 feet below the lowest adjacent final grade may be designed to