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Page 4 <br />LEROY CRANDALL <br />AND ASSOCIATES <br />impose a pressure of 1,000 pounds per square foot.Dock walls should be de- <br />signed to resist the lateral earth pressure developed by a fluid with a density <br />of 30 pounds per cubic foot plus the lateral surcharge pressure due to any stor- <br />age loads on the dock slab. Backfill adjacent to the walls should be mechanically <br />compacted to at least 90% of the maximum density obtainable by the ASTM Desig- <br />nation D1557-70 method of compaction mod.ified to use· three layers. Relatively <br />non-expansive soil should be used in backfilling behind loading dock walls. <br />While the actual bearing value of the fill will depend on the material <br />used and the compaction methods employed, the quoted bearing value will be <br />applicable if acceptable soils are used and are compacted as recommended. If <br />our firm is retained to inspect the placing of the compacted fill, as recom- <br />mended, we will confirm the bearing value. of the fill in our inspection report. <br />Settlement · <br />The maximum ultimate settlement of the proposed building, supported <br />on spread footings, will depend on the loads imposed. We can provide settle- <br />ment data when foundation load information is available. <br />Lateral Loads <br />Lateral loads may be.resisted by soil friction and by the passive re- <br />sistance of the soils. A coefficient of. friction of 0.4 may be used between <br />footings or the floor slab and the supporting soils. The passive resistance <br />of the properly compacted fill or natural soils may be assumed to be equal <br />to the pressure developed by a fluid with a density of 250 pounds per cubic <br />foot. A one-third increase in the passive value may be used for wind or <br />seismic loads. The frictional resistance and the passive resistance of the