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Caribou Industries <br />Proposed Alternative Seismic Improvements - 888 North Main Street <br />July 25, 2018 <br />Page 5 <br />Building Code and ASCE/SEI 41-13. For the DSHA, a composite deterministic RS was compiled from the <br />maximum of the 84th percentile spectral ordinates computed for known nearby faults. In addition to known fault <br />sources, background seismicity was also included in the PSHA. In accordance with Section of ASCE/SEI 41- <br />13, for sites located within 3 miles [5 kilometers (km)] of an active fault that controls the hazard of the site- <br />specific response spectra, the ground motion calculations shall consider the effect of fault-normal and fault- <br />parallel motions. The site is not near fault by this definition; therefore, fault-normal and fault-parallel motions <br />were not considered. To convert to maximum direction ground motions, the multiplication factors recommended <br />in Shahi and Baker (2014) were used. <br />The site-specific probabilistic and deterministic RS were developed using the average ground motions obtained <br />from the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) West 2 relationships of Abrahamson et al. (2014), Boore et al. <br />(2014), Campbell and Bozorgnia (2014), and Chiou and Youngs (2014). For all four NGA relationships, we have <br />used an average shear wave velocity in the upper 30 meters (Vs,30) equal to 250 meters per second (m/s) based <br />on the results of our shear wave velocity measurements near the site at the NOVA Children's Academy (Amec <br />Foster Wheeler, 2016) and correlations of shear wave velocity using the SPT blow counts adjacent to the site <br />presented in the Leighton repor-t (Leighton Consulting, 2006). The SPT blow counts were correlated to shear <br />wave velocity using the method presented in the PEER Report No. 2010/03 (Brandenberg et al., 2010). Three of <br />the borings in the Leighton report extended below 30 meters (m) (100 feet) and were used to estimate the Vs,30; <br />the three borings were designated 8-5, HS-1, and HS-2. The results of the correlation gave Vs,30 values of 211, <br />270, and 273 m/s, respectively. We took the average of those results - 251 m/s - and compared it with the Vs,30 <br />used at the NOVA Children's Academy (Amec Foster Wheeler, 2016), which was 248 m/s. We decided that a <br />rounded value of 250 m/s is representative of the Vs,30 at the site because it lies between the two values being <br />compared. Therefore, we used an average Vs,30 equal to 250 m/s in the analyses. <br />We have used a depth to a shear wave velocity of 1,000 m/s beneath the site (Zi.o) of 400 m. We have used a <br />depth to a shear wave velocity of 2,500 m/S (45) of approximately 4.55 km. These values were obtained from <br />Cybershake (Crouse et al., 2018) which uses the latest Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Community <br />Velocity Model. <br />The site-specific response spectrum for the BSE-l E Seismic Hazard Level was taken as the smaller of the <br />following: <br />1. The mean probabilistic site-specific spectrum with a 20% probability of being exceeded in 50 <br />years adjusted for maximum direction; or <br />2. The site-specific spectrum for the BSE-lN Seismic Hazard Level adjusted for maximum direction. <br />The BSE-lN ground motion is determined from the BSE-2N ground motion. In accordance with ASCE/SEI 41-13 <br />Section, the site-specific response acceleration parameters for the BSE-2N Seismic Hazard Level shall be <br />determined based on the provisions for a Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) provided in Chapter 21 of <br />ASCE 7-10. The BSE-2N response spectrum is obtained by computing both a probabilistic and a deterministic <br />response spectrum. The site-specific BSE-lN response spectrum was computed by multiplying the ordinates of <br />the site-specific BSE-2N response spectrum by two-thirds in accordance with Section of ASCE/SEI 41-13. <br />Additionally, a mean probabilistic site-specific spectrum with a 50% probability of being exceeded in 50 years <br />(50-in-50) was calculated and adjusted for maximum direction. <br />...