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Caribou Industries <br />Proposed Alternative Seismic Improvements - 888 North Main Street <br />July 25, 2018 <br />Page 6 <br />The site-specific BSE-2N and BSE-l N response spectra for 5% of critical structural damping are presented in <br />Table 1 and Figures 2 and 3. The site-specific BSE-lE and probabilistic 50-in-50 geometric mean and maximum <br />direction response spectra for 5% of critical structural damping are shown in Table 2 and Figures 4 and 5. <br />4.0 Period Range of Interest <br />The fundamental building period of 1.4 seconds was provided by Mr. Leonard Martin Joseph of Thornton <br />Tomasetti. The upper bound period of 2.1 seconds was selected equal to 1.5 times the largest fundamental <br />period in accordance with Section of ASCE/SEI 41-13. The lower bound period of 0.28 seconds was <br />selected equal to 0.2 times the fundamental period. <br />5.0 Seed Time Histories <br />We have used the four sets of acceleration-time histories previously selected and spectrally matched to the BSE- <br />lE response spectrum for the NOVA Children's Academy (Amec Foster Wheeler, 2016). Each set of time histories <br />consists of two orthogonal horizontal ground motion components. Each component of each set of time histories <br />was scaled to the new BSE-lE and 50-in-50 response spectra such that the response spectrum closely matched <br />the target spectrum. The scaling factor used for the BSE-l E target spectrum was 1.054 and the scaling factor <br />used for the 50-in-50 target spectrum was 0.65. <br />In Table 3, we present a total of four time history records that were scaled to the BSE-lE and 50-in-50 response <br />spectra. Also presented in Table 3 are the earthquake magnitudes, fault mechanisms, source-to-site (Joyner- <br />Boore - Rjb) distance, site Vs,30, lowest usable frequency, significant duration (Ds.95), and pulse period (Tp). The <br />plots of acceleration, velocity and displacement time histories of the two components of the candidate time <br />histories as well as the respective spectral acceleration and square root sum of the squares (SRSS) of the two <br />orthogonal horizontal response spectra are shown on Figure through Figure 6.4.3 and Figure <br />through Figure 8.4.3 for the BSE-lE hazard level and the 50-in-50 hazard level, respectively. <br />The average of the 'Hl' and 'H2' horizontal components and average of the SRSS spectra are presented in Figures 7 <br />and 9 for the BSE-lE hazard level and the 50-in-50 hazard level, respectively. The digital data for the time histories <br />will be transmitted electronically. <br />...