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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OlINf,R EUII,DER DELCARATION I. <br />I amnn unrlr D.n.lly oa pcoury rhll I m!,1 tom rh. (-oflra.1oB l.i.@ Irs lor rh. follo{inr rlMn l\/r0rl5 <br />&!'n* lsr ftofdion ( o&) Ant Cir: or ( ,udt s hah rqun6 r Fmir ro odu1. .t6, imrrot q d.nxn.t or krun f,n! <br />itudGq trknro ns ia$m., dl$ Gqutr6 rhc d{,plicd for such p.rni to 6lc a sisn.d stndd rhar h. dr rh. ir licms.n puBxd <br />ro rh. F6\iric or rh. ( onr{M ! Li.arn I.$ l(nEta e, ( onmftinB "ith Sdion 7000 ol D^is{,. I ot rh. R$'na i.d <br />Pmf66ns (-d1., o. rh.! lr or rh. s.rmt, thd.fionud rh. for th..llqrcd a@FM Anyriohln.ofs.dnnTl)rls t}lny <br />sppli(. for . Fmir subj(rs lh. {,plic!.l ro s ivil pdhy o t not morc lhd firc hunrL.d dolla (l5lx)) <br />l, N oq n- orrh. pr.Fnr. or 'ny.nrloyc I irh *rs6 er $1. comrssdnrn. will 'lo thc *ork drnc$odr(b n{ <br />idfrl.d moltd.d n{$L(Sc 70a,r. BltiK d Profdi.B ( .dc lh. Co,rrmror'i LilM b* &6 nd spl\ t u osF o, <br />rhc F.Idy $ ho t!'lds n nRr.!6 rlEa,n, er, *ho &6 itrch {n* hi,rEcla o, iclr or rfimtr*l hir or hd onn oflq c. <br />rolid.d th.l such inF$\EEli e mr i 6rl.d r 6rotd lor sh Ir- lkr"66. rh. hiildiry .r imFo\ffii s $ld Qihin n. \a <br />ofompldm rlE ( ire Bofils sill 16. rlE hda ot F.r trB rhd lE q tE dd m! tuH tr !t{rDr. lh. For6l! ft'r rlE ItuqrE ol <br />L c 0$.6 ofrh. Fopd', m.rclGtr.lyconrBdin{ uirh licds.n $dEdoBb $fifud rlF F)Fn (s(. ?041. ttsnK <br />drl Eokrin Co& Th. Conrr&ror's l.i..n* l.!s do6 mr a14l! ro M osn6 o al,oFny tr ho buildJ or improvd ihdn,n, <br />dd $hl.odmsfor3u.fiF.j.q3snh.(tdrdonr)lr.B.dpoEu, to lhc Codm.rr's Lr.e k$ ) <br />I ond.r Sdbn <br />!a8tr!8:trarltE!.liall0! <br />D&(l/aauaN <br />I h(.t'y amrm undd D.mhy of psln on. ol th. aollo* ins d.(hfrliotrr <br />I hr!. 6il sill mdntin r Cdlifical. o I (-oBar lo s.ll.lBur. for worlqs .omFlglnr!. 6 po\ id.d tu or( s<rion :r7l)lr of lht <br />hhr. Co&- to, llE Ffollrec of rh. tr o* fd * hth rh. Fhir ir is.n <br />I h,!. rnd $,ill m.idri. *0116 .omr.Mnin iNor.m., s r.qrn.n b S.dhn r 700 olr h. l.k CorL. aor rh. Faolffi.of <br />rlE $orl fm *hih rhi. Fnn i! iBcd M) f,ct6 ..mFdion iMrM. trir rd polq nunla e <br />Poli.y Nurnbd ' Erpn6: ' <br />/i'.drly rhd m lhc pdf.msnc..lrh. soll for trhrh rhis i! Bsu.d, I ihtrlr nor orloy lny FRln rn rny msnB <br />$ 6 to b<om sl'icr io ltE trt 6'@dFsrio" lo*! oacrl,tonE !d rsR ih, if I slFull b6orc rutr.( lo lr. <br />tro.16' smFsi nrn Fllsiotu ol'on I7m ol rh< l,bo, ( ode I r,rll. fonh*nfi snFl, tr nh rhor Frranrn, <br />WARNINC: F.llur.lo su. sorl6'comFrt io..o\..+. i! u.Lw6il. rtrd shall lubjar e dplord ro diniMlFshi6 Md <br />dil liB !F lo oE h!,&.d rhound dolldr (ttoo.(xx)). in .ddili,n lo lh. con or.otritMion, d$r*6 e n.\d.d ror rh. <br />SNlion 1tr76 oathc I ibor ( odc. inr(61nnd atlom.y s las <br />=/r x <br />DE(IIAAITA! <br />I h6bl amm undd pdah, of Fjo.y rh.l I m liccB.d ondd F.virion of (fu!16 9lcommoc'ns trnh Sdl{n 70m)ofl)ivision I <br />ot lh. Buri6.rd PrefMB (ird..,n m) t(@ ! iI tull fore rn.Itdt <br />. (/o <br />7Us/tz <br />€7s <br />..,',,'*..,.x <br />(alsrBu(JraNrllDllqlcE!(r <br />I h6dD afltm und6 rEn.h) orrFJurr- rh.r rhqc i. r..n{ruclirn Lnd'n* lsdcy for rh. pafomft. ofrhc \orl for nnich rhir ttrnir is <br />i$NJ lsd 1097, ('iv c ) <br />AIIII(AII.DESJAAIIO! <br />I h6dry lrmtr und6 pcnahy ol!.rrury onc ofrh. finb*ins d<l{ihonl <br />Domlnhn Pmir3-Asbcrd N.tincdhn F.dsll R.ruldbB ( lnl..l0. Pur6) <br />R.qun.d tdrd of Norifialiri <br />, I cd r[ lhd th. f€d6!l Eruhr 'c6 EBrdrrr 6b6h! r on\ rl ,c mr ar9l'c.blc n rhs Frrd <br />frnt,nn rr^,,^rr,6 lDklhn,n i.r. rhd rh..t v.hrotunnBcord l rsd ro co,irry *nh llt ( nr Md ( olnrt <br />;rdin!..6 od srd. t *sELu'nBro hl'ldin| (odrudiotr dld h6cb, lurtrriz Err.grdnd of rhis cily ed ( ounry ro nr6 upon th. <br />.bo,cffirrdFrFnvt dq<i^r,"y>/ _. ---l ./ ,/ <br />^per,r,orl.a,sho,ur.Y /Z/zZ rh,. . ///S/1') <br />remrcnrmtrpano:K 8r-rt GA>l <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Sleel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln s ulation/E nerg y <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Z-onp Cerlif. .t4Ubff loLEJa 7-71-t)r./t.11 <br />FINAL 7--4-tV LtL, <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />-) <br />I