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BUILDING. INSPECTOH RECORD <br />SITE.WOHK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUtT,DER OELC I'{TION <br />I affirm hder Fntrhy .r p.rjury rhar I um rio'r rhc (.onInclos Ltcne Ln* for lhe folk,win8 fu$r (S{ 7031 5 <br />Bu\n$r and Bolc\{otr Codc) Atry Cily or Coutrry wnich r.quircs r lemrir ro con(ocr, ,hcr. imflok. dcfrrish or rulon any <br />(rucluE. prior lo ns nsuancc. aho lcqntcsrhc arplicanr r'or such pcrnir b filc r siSncd qdcnr lhal h..r \hc i\ li..n$d Pu^udnr <br />r' rh. p.v^n,ni.rrrr's Liccnscd L{s (Chifrcr 9. Commercnrs $nh S\-rtr. Ttxt) .r Dilh'on I oi lhc Businc* and <br />Pn a$tnrs CtJdc) or lhrt hc or shc t crcm, thclclromlnd rhc bash lor lhc allcscd cr.mprion. AnyviolalionofscdionT0.ll5hyany <br />{tlicoDr tor o pcflnit subjcch rhe arplicalr loacililpenrlyoinor )ftrhatr nvc hundrcd dollars (5500). <br />I. as owffi ofrh. Eo|Eny. or flry enrtloyes wirh w.Scr.s thci! v,lc confcnerion. willdo rh. sork.rt rhc sirxrurc is mr <br />iDrcBlcd ororlcrc{l lor qk (SK 7(M4, Brsincssund Pmrcsions C.d.: ThcCoMactols Liccnsc Llu docs nor apply ro owncrol <br />rlr pmndy wlx) burlds or hpmres tlLmn. nxl sho des such sorl( hinscllor hc^clf.r rlrough his or hcr o*n cnrlL,yccs. <br />trcvid.d rhar su.h inlltuwmnr e m( idcndcd or offftn fo. sL li howc\ cL rhe blildin! .r i protftnr k $ld withtu ntrc ,! r <br />olcompkrioi- rhc o*os BuaHd will hrw r]I burdcn dr proving rhd hc oi sh. did ml build or improk rhc pmr.ny ror rtr ttr(Ds of <br />I. N ostur of rhc pn,prn y, am\ rvcly .ontrlina qirh*d conrmcn's ro cotr{dcr rlt ,rmjN (Sc. 7U1,1. trusncs <br />uxl PDli:\tbn Colc lhcCotrrrsctr'\cl-rwdtusnorrpplyt'nnowmrof|}oi'c y*h. huildsor imtrcvc\ rltcrcon. <br />rnd who.o.rrd(lnrruchtnojccts*irhaornlnclo(9li.crNcd,'u6uanrbrhcG'ntDcror'rL{.nscLrw). <br />lr cxc llnu $sc.rn .lJ.&l'.C lnrlhi\rcr(tr, <br />DrIr: oen€. <br />woR(ERS CONIPFNSA',TI{lN <br />DICLAAAUON <br />I h.rby nllirnundft ,.ndlryorpcrjuryonc otrhc followin8 dNhldions: <br />-lhrvcudsilltui <br />rih d Ccdin. c or c.rsc to rNurc nn workdl conrpcns pruvidcd r(rbysccri(,n1700oflhc <br />tibor Codc. for thc pcrlbrmn.c oI rhr sork Io. which rht Pcrnir n i$u.d. <br />I hrrc and willnrinnrii q.rkcn comEn{aliotr insuruncc. rr rcqutcd hrScrri.i lTm.frhc t:b.rCodc.lottu Pcrlnrnuic.of <br />rhc work tu whi.h rhilpcnnir rIl trlcn con,Fn\rri{,, i'Nrri.c.rflcr d |Flicy numbcrarc <br />2 <br />-l <br />ccniiyrhrr inlhc pertormrnlrorrhc work rur shihrhis n i,nil is issu.d.l shall nol empLy un, ,.n.n in atrymnnnc. <br />$ ,\ k, h.cdm ro rhc sodcr' ompcnsalbn laws ol Clliiorni!. lnd ,Etd rhar if I should bcc.m sublccr lo rtr <br />porkcs .otrrp.trsrlior pmvisionsofScdion 3?(norrhc tit rCod..l rhill. r.nhwirh.Tmnl <br />WARNINC: Failure Io rcur s.rk rJ.omr.nsarion.ovcEgc ir unhwtul. Md shall su cmpk,y.r h dniFlFnallic\ und <br />i.n, danuscs as prusidcd tur thccivil firc\ !F b ofc hu drcJ rhousrnd d.lhn (lltu.(Xx)). ir .drlirl.r ro rhc co( ot:;:JE;{ff pprionr:)a <br />Ltlli:t-t !_(tlrrB,l(108 <br />I hcrcby 0lrteundcr |Enallyotp.rju.y rha' I no licctrEd rdrr provisi(,n drchl,)rLr 9{ <br />uf rhc atrsincsr rnd Piolcs\ions CoJc. and my licctrsc ir ir lullnncc !trdcfiocr <br />ng I l, Sc.rrr' 71)li)) ol l)'v^t r <br />l-./l-)dru@.""*-* <br />I ficEhy om.rn lndcr p€natry of Friu.y thdr rhdc n a mnshcrion bndinS agcmy lor <br />nsu.d (Scc 109?. Civ C.). <br />orihc work lorwhichlhhrc.mir h <br />AIIUCANI.IIECIIIAAIION <br />I ltrcby !n'nundc! rcnally olDcrjty onc olrhc follo*inE da.'!{!li,,n{ <br />Dcnsliri.n Pcnnirs Asb.sros Norficdioo Fnerll Rc8uhlions (TilE 40- Prn6) <br />Rcqun.d Lncr of Nolilicolion <br />_l ccllifyrhar rhc tcdernl tosuhtion\ rcgd'lire a\bcsros rr.tuvll uc nor iJ,Ili.lblc t' rhis prujk <br />I ccnily rhnr I tu*rcadthis oplicalionona{ crhar I i',n)nn i(,r n.ortccr Irlre!)c.nrtly\irhrllCiry trl Cou rv <br />ordiMnccs rnd Lrws Elllins ro buiBinscon(rucr , rorlxtrizc rcprcscNnlivcs ofthis Ciryand Cornry r <br />abv. mnrnnlcd pmFnrfor insFsrion pu{rscs. <br />apprienr or Asenr sismrurc K Dole <br />ru.(,,*,,,,"" "*"",un,,X-. <br />U <br />\17 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loorivenVlnsulation <br />Rool Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lvlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Qertif.//? zZz- /LJ,./DZ**-, /.?. /,Do/zr II <br />FINAL /"Yu t <br />Certilicate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />.t <br />I .M.''. <br />^lJr$ <br />-