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November 14,2012 SIGN COMPONENTS MANUAL (SAM) 48 <br />6. The unit is intended for installation inside an electrical enclosure. <br />7. The unit may be used within an electrical enclosure or raceway without temperature test provided they are mounted not closer <br />than 1 in. end to end or 4 in. side to side from adjacent LED power supplies. <br />8. The ground connection is not suitable as the equipment ground for a sign. Separate provision for sign grounding must be <br />provided. <br />LED array drivers 60W, Models GEXLPS21 -1004 GEPS 12-60U,GEO060/MV/\/12T12T1 -A <br />1. These components have been judged on the basis of the required spacing in the Standard for Class 2 Power Units, UL 1310, <br />Fourth Edition, which would cover the component itself if submitted for Listing. <br />2. The terminals and connectors are suitable for factory wiring only of solid or tinned stranded No. 18 AWG conductors. <br />3. The equipment was submitted and tested for a maximum manufacturer's recommended ambient (Tmra) of 40°C. <br />4. The insulation system of the main isolation transformer designated (T2) in these models is a Class 105(A) insulation system. <br />Unless the modules are mounted as specified in condition of acceptability number 7, a temperature test is required when these <br />models installed within an electrical enclosure or raceway. <br />5. The maximum measured leakage current of a single unit is 0.49 mA. Leakage current measurements shall be performed when <br />multiple LED drivers are used in the final equipment or when the LED driver is used in combination with other equipment in the <br />end-use product. <br />6. The unit is intended for installation inside an electrical enclosure. <br />7. The unit may be used within an eledrical enclosure or raceway without temperature test provided they are mounted not closer <br />than 1 in. end to end or 4 in. side to side from adjacent LED power supplies. <br />8. The ground connection is not suitable as the equipment ground for a sign. Separate provision for sign grounding must be <br />provided. <br />LED power supplies, Model GEPS24-100U, GE100/MVA/24T1-A. <br />1. This component has been judged on the basis of the required spacing in the Standard for Class 2 Power Units, UL 1310, Fourth <br />Edition, which would cover the component itself if submitted for Listing. <br />2. The supply terminals and connectors are suitable for factory wiring only of solid or tinned stranded No. 18 AWG conductors. <br />3. The equipment was submitted and tested for a maximum manufacturefs recommended ambient (Tmra) of 40 C. <br />4. This unit is provided with a Class 105(A) insulation system. A temperature test is required when the unit is installed within an <br />electrical enclosure or raceway. <br />5. Leakage current measurements shall be performed when more than four LED drivers are used in the equipment or when the <br />LED driver is used in combination with other equipment in the end-use product. <br />6. The unit is intended for installation inside an electrical enclosure. <br />7. The unit may be used within an electrical enclosure or raceway without temperature test provided they are mounted not closer <br />than 1 in. end to end or 4 in. side to side from adjacent LED power supplies. <br />LED array drivers, Models GEPS 12-20, GEPS 24-20. <br />1. The maximum measured output voltage, current and power at the output of these models was found in compliance with the <br />limits for Class 2 output requirements. <br />2. The transformers of these units employ Class 105 insulation system. <br />3. These components were intended for use in indoor Dry and DAMP location only. <br />4. In the end product, power supply spacing to other heat producing components shall be minimum 2 inches spacing to sidewalls, <br />and minimum 2 inches spacing to top of enclosure. Adjacent power supplies shall be spaced at least 1 in. end to end and 4 in. in <br />any other direction. <br />5. These components shall be installed inside an electrical enclosure. <br />6. Input and Output leads are style 1316, rated 600 V, 105 C, VW-1. Minimum No. 18 AWG. The suitability of input and output <br />connections shall be determined in each end use application. <br />7. The maximum room ambient temperature permitted by the manufacture is 60 C. The temperature measured on outside <br />enclosure of Models GEPS24-20 and GEPS12-20 are 67.2 C and 77.9 C respectively. The necessity of repeated Temperature <br />Test shall be determined in each end use application if minimum thermal spacings in accordance with Item 4 are not provided. <br />LED Dimmer, Model GEDM1 and GEDM1-A. <br />1. This component has been judged on the basis of the required spacing in the Standard for Class 2 Power Units, UL 1310, Fourth <br />Edition, which would cover the component itself if submitted for Listing. <br />2. The equipment was submitted and tested for a maximum manufacturers recommended ambient (Tmra) of 40 C. <br />3. The unit is intended for installation inside an electrical enclosure. <br />4. This unit is provided with a Class 105(A) insulation system. The unit may be used within an electrical enclosure or raceway <br />without temperature test provided they are mounted not closer than 1 in. end to end or 4 in. side to side from adjacent LED <br />power supplies. <br />5. The Xitanium Dimmer is only suitable for use in Class 2 circuits powered by Advance LED drivers with maximum input rating of <br />24Vdc, 4.lA, or 12VDC, 5A. Dimmer circuit is 0-10VDC. <br />6. This LED Dimmer Controller must be used with either a 100K Ohms Potentiometer or a standard 0-10 V DC dimmer switch. <br />7. For dry or damp location. <br />LED Strips, Class 2, Cat. Nos. GE-XX-XX-X-XXX, GE-XX-XX-XX-XXX, GE-)00XX-XXX-XXX, GE-XX-XX-XXXX-XXX, GE-XX- <br />XX-XXXXX-XXX, GE-XX-XX-XXXXXX-XXX, GE-XX-XX-XXXXXXX-XXX, GE-XX-XX-XXXXXXXX-XXX, GE-XX-XX- <br />XXXXXXXXX-XXX, catalog numbers may vary per nomenclature. GE followed by: "XX" representing color: RD, RC, YG, GL, <br />SB, BL, WH, YA, WW, GR, PO, followed by: "XX" representing product line: CL, DS, XL, PT, XN, TM, MX, TU, PG, PX, PH, XH, <br />MH, SS, PM, MM, MH, BS, BD, BI, followed by: "X" to "XXXXXXXXX" representing light strip final assembly or number of LEDs <br />per foot: LA, LE, AA, SX, LX, WXX, TXX, PX, XX, followed by "XXX" denotes any alphanumeric character that represents the <br />color temperature of the LEDs. Cat. Nos. GE-AA-BB-CC-DD, where "AA" may be DS, XN, XNL, XNA, MX, MXL, PG, MM, <br />MMD, SS, PM, PMD, MXH, MXHL, BS, BD, 81 or BIH which represent product line, "BB" may be RD, RC, YG, GL, SB, BL, WH, <br />YA, WW, GR, PO or any alphanumeric character; and "CC" may be any alphanumeric characters or blank. <br />1. These products are only suitable for connection to a Class 2 power source. <br />2. When units are connected to a Class 2/ LPS circuit, they are not to draw a total wattage of greater than the secondary or output <br />rating of the Class 2/ LPS supply. <br />3. These products are suitable for use in dry, damp and wet locations. <br />4. These products described in this section may be cut into segments per manufacture insulation instructions.