10. ls the buitdtng sprtnklersd? yerfi[ No E
<br />" fli"ff1,J,'*,,l,:l,ll';'fl],','J,;[', T|:'ff"i{'"t^-n" buirdrns such as: exterior parnuns, sisnase,
<br />lf yes, please describe:
<br />12, Will your buslness include a lobby or watflng area? yes ! No B.
<br />lf yes, what will be the dlmenslons?
<br />13' Do you store equipment, materiars, or products wrthin the burding? yes EL No Ea' w,r there be outdoor storag. 0f equipment, materiars, or products? yas D No El
<br />lf yes, please descrlbe:
<br />b
<br />H,'ilU'?"'J f;.li"n"dTii;,ii"ilii}Ti,iJri*:y,#.,:: z?":::i";,lT,x,,l:I:;,"
<br />14. Do you manulacture e product et the slte? yes D No El
<br />lf yes, please describe (tncludtng process and end product):
<br />a' wilroperailona produce duruwood ehavrngr or crmilar.materrar? v": D iE trb' Doee the operaron rnvorve itre ,ae of werdins oi;;;i flame? yer fl No Dg
<br />15. Does the proposed use involve a patlent racupunctuiisti or pnystcat the'apisti ,". 5t" Rllt"6,'t"'
<br />such as doctor, dentlst, chlropractor,
<br />a. ls the proposed use wrthin the menral health professron, such as:
<br />E Norttot oop,,ft"o, D psychotosisr D psychtatrtst
<br />LJ DOCtat Worke
<br />16, ls counseling proposed as a part of your business operation? yes fJ No Ea' Does your counsering business contract work wrth a pubric agency? yes E No I
<br />lf yes, pleaso descrlbe:
<br />17, Will your businoss be offering the followlng servtces:
<br />E Alcohot ""rt: , -E srnoting Lounge e Tattoosl permanent make-upE eooy ptorcing/ eiTpiur"ing'r
<br />Lvv"
<br />EI Nono of the above
<br />18' wlll your buslnost-L"- !!?llng massages as part of your businsss cperalon? TJris tnctudeama$rage as anciilary to pedrcuies, mani"rr"s, and othor se*rcei. ieJ fr-'-ffi'd"o
<br />19' ls cannabis or cannabis relatod prgduct Etorgg, culflvated, dlstrlbuted, tested, manufactured ordisponsed at your bustness? v"s. fi-"li; E' -- ' '|vv, vrs,,,
<br />20' Do you prepare or se, food for consumpron on or off the property? yes ! No E
<br />lf yes, do you provido sit down sorvlce D, drive-through E, or orders to go/pick-up !?
<br />S : PlanningtGlarlcol.Counter Formt\Colo Qucsllonnsiro Og.2Z-1 g