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Please explain: <br />21. Does your business sell automobiles or motorcycles? yes I No fi <br />lf yes, pleaso explain: <br />" ffstd"" i:t'ffitt service or repair vehicles or instail equipment and accessories into vehicres? <br />lf yos, please explain: <br />23' I acknowledge that I have requested and, recelved ail zoning and santa Ana Munrcrpar coderequlremente pertatning to ,y 6usine;";;; occupancy.ppri."iion. _(initiar) <br />I DECLARE UNDER PENALW OF PERJURY, THAT THEFoxEGo,NG STATEi,IENTS ARE TRUE ANDKNOWLEOGE AND BELIEF. <br />CORRECT TO THE BEST MY <br />j zslz <br />7V,tJL <br />Print Namo <br />f?A,r,l <br />lnformatlon <br />l-hei Plan,trtg; Division's.Public courrter is open for walk-up cuslomors from tJ:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Mondaythrouglr Fridav, oxceot wedno-sday 10'50;;. to 4:00 p.m. The Ftanning Division i, ro"ut"o within crryIiL,;TlXi#il,"J;,?ir?X;:":,miht"',m,'ii.,"iriooi.'aiortioiuirv, you n.,ay ca, us at (t14t647-s8oa <br />Tlre Planning Division reviews cerriflcate of occupancy requests for,chonge of arrcrross. nsw businosses.or expansiotts to onsuro thal lhe ptop*"d rlso is consisttnt wittithe.estauilshed zoning roguratlons ofi;1ili1ll;,!,i;:"*;"fl H:,ff illXlmo;:,,1.J*;rlllUJ,,ll"l ono,. ro signrn! ;t;;;1 or commitung <br />ll a no,cortfornting discortllnued, or lf anonconformlng building is vacant, unused or unoccupiod fora period of 12 consscu-tivo nronths,;;;;;;;;.ruont uso mus-t confomr rn overy rospocr to tho provisrons offf,#,Tl,'fili'Xff'[1;J.11;llS;]nlgt]illj]1,]il';'#llT[lrorea'ei oe usea or <,tcupieci un,r ,t <br />Generally' the followlng usos wlll roqulre further documentaflon or an oxtonded revtew and may ormay nol be permltted: offlce r";;ihi;;n lnar"tirrii"^"i,i"!r""r, reatauranr, raundromat, rradeortechnlcalschools' ana automotil;6;; and sorvrco r."i,rrttrn "p"* irr"i'ii;;'i", prevrousryuced for tuch purpoees; a bulldlng th"iJ""" not meet the pariing. demand for tho proposed use;,T"'rtfiIjlch scnerates a hlgher-p"*rrg demand ";;;;;;;e ro deveropmenr standards rhan <br />You may need to orovide floor plans, site plans, or document the prror use befors obtalnlng a;iHix':;Jr"ff#l[:u:rr*:i'i'"nonopi.,iniJirghi" ori ;;;;";;;;jni'u,", or I u'o <br />3 <br />j5 Hffl,', j ffi e,".#lll! ["', o <br />A tt: <br />Tltle