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p tt- IH^( B fl il - [ tra{ lt t! D trO o <br />D,DNsSiUlLlLt Nll s\- <br />April 5, 198 I <br />Ms. Mabel E. NlcFadden <br />c/o Mr. William worden <br />l5 l5 Riviera Drive <br />Pasadena, California 9l 107 <br />RE: 906 N. Main Street <br />Dear Mr. Worden: <br />The building at 906 N. Main Street in Santa Ana, which you own or have an <br />interest in, is one of the buildings that the City of Sania Ana deems not to <br />be in compliance with the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Ordinance <br />(NS l5r8). <br />If you have not already determined what you are going to do with your <br />property, we would like to assist you in making that decision. <br />We have developed a consortiurn to specifically deal with this problem. <br />The consortium is represented by knowledgeable, well qualified and <br />experienced professionals. It consists oI a licensed Structural Engineer <br />who will inspect your building and provide a prcliminary written report of <br />its strucrural integrity. A local Commercial Realtor anci Broker, specializ- <br />ing in oldet downtown buildings, will review the market potential of your <br />property, as is, and as it might be modified. A licensed Architect will <br />provide a design concept suggesting how it might ultirnately look. Finally, <br />a general Building Contractor will provide a written opinion as to the <br />approximate cost of rehabilitating your structure. <br />I will be coirtacting you in rhe near future to discuss your plans in further <br />detail. Should you be in need of inforrnation prior to that time, please do <br />not hesitate to contact us at (714) 95)-0844. <br /> yours,jli [\,.(,. <br />Rober t K. Van Anda <br />I <br />,l <br />RKVA:ocss <br />1 1 1 1 WAKEHAM AVE , SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA (714)953.0844