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o oWILLIAM B. WORDEN, C.F.A, <br />INVESTMENT COUNSEL <br />180 South Lake Avonur <br />, Calitornia 91101 (213) 792-2169 <br />cc: Mr. David N. Ream, Dir. <br />of Corununity Development <br />April 23, 1981 <br />Re: Earthquake Hazaxd Reduction Ond, <br />906 North l'Iain Street, Santa Ana <br />Dear l,Ir. Tyler : <br />I was one of those present at the Public information meeting last evening. <br />we discussed briefly the Possibility that the building at the above address, <br />constructed in 1946, would be subject to the ordinance, which you felt was <br />unIikeIy. <br />I represent the owners of this building as l4anaging Trustee. The primary <br />occupant is Marinello school of Beauty. The site was the original home <br />of my Grandparents, I'tr. & Mrs. John McFadden. The original lessee of the <br />building was Barker Bros. <br />The enclosed letters, ore received the same day as the notice of last <br />evening's meeting and the attached copy of the ordinance, indicate why <br />I had assumed our building was subject to Ns-15I8. <br />I am noi{ assessing possible courses of action srhen the Present lease on <br />the building expires. l4r. Ream was kind enough to offer to discuss the <br />Redevelopment Agency program with me, and I plan to ask him for an <br />appointment in the near future. fn the meantine, I hope you can give me <br />a firm understanding as to whether or not subject building is covered by <br />NS-1518, and whether there are other recent ordinances or codes that <br />would impose special requirements should we decide to re-Iease the <br />property wi.thouc structural modification. <br />I ask the question in this manner as I received no notification when the <br />ordinance was adopted and just recently became aware of its existence. <br />My wife and I appreciated the way in which you and the other city represent- <br />atives handled a difficult situatj.on last night. we are also hopeful that <br />the city cormcil witl give favorable consideration to alleviating the <br />hardships indicated by many of the Participants. It is my impression that <br />many of those affected are small investors and other niddle class citizens <br />like myself who are not equipped as are the big developers and owners to <br />handle major new obligations of this kind, especially in periods of very <br />high interest rates and over a limited time interval. <br />Thank you for your assistance. <br />Sincerely, <br />willian B. vlorden, Jr. <br />Trustee, McPadden Trust <br />RECE,VED <br />APR 24 tgal <br />.iiji.Eitfriiill.. <br />l4r. Bob Tyler' Plan Check Engineer <br />Building Safety Department <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, P.O. Box 1988 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702