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o <br />2rr Cl\1C CtNTtR PLAZA. P O. BOX i988 <br />sA\iTA A\A CA TOR\tA92702 <br />o <br />\IA\OR <br />Daniel t. Crirer <br />\ tct \1At'oR <br />P. Ler k)hn\on(ot \cIl \1t \.r8tR! <br />\1'l(on B Harl <br />R \\ I u\omh.rLr{(., <br />P.]tll(rd A <br />^{(CUrEanlj,rn \ ounB <br />CIT\ \1AI\AGtR <br />Robert C. Eobb <br />CIT\ ATTOR \I \ <br />tdsard I. Cooper <br />cttR\ or THt cot \clr <br />li r,, r C Cu\ <br />ALL-{\1tRtC { C tT\ 198.?-8J <br />Januarv 25, 1985 <br />Kathleen Tiernan Markham <br />2C54 San Pasqual <br />Pasadena, Ca. 91107 <br />Dear Ms. Markham: <br />Subject: Required Seisnic Rehabilirarion for the Building at <br />Described as Orange County Assessor s Parcel No. ooq- l Rs- <br />, Santa Ana <br />The purpose of this letter is to again inform you of the requirements of the City of <br />Santa Ana's Seismic Safety ordinance (Article xr chapter 8, Santa Ana Municipal code). <br />The time for submittal for an application for an appeal or for alternate classifica-tion or for a permit for partial repairs as provi.ded for in the Ordinance has expired. <br />This letter is Eo inforn you that under the provj.sions of the Ordinance the oyner isrequired to provide a structural analysis prepared by a llcensed slrucLural engineer,civil engineer or architect. This structural analysis, together ulth plans and cal-cl,- tions necessary for correctj-ve work, is to be subnitted to the cit] rs Departmentof Planning and Development services for reviev by Harch 6, 1985. Permits requiredto accomplish the necessary structural alteratlons nust be obtained by Hay 31, 1985. <br />The required alt.erations nust commence yithin one hundred eighty (1.80) days from the <br />date the permit is issued, and the buiJ.ding oust be correcEed to $eet thc Bininum <br />requirements of the 0rdinance not Later than May 31, 1987. As you should be aware,this j.s the same information provi.ded you in the original Notice and Order 6ent to <br />you on I'la y 31, 1984. <br />The consequences of failing to comply xith any of the dates of the Ordj.nance are lhat <br />you will be required !o vacate the buildin8 and leave it vacant until such time that <br />you have completed the seismic rehabi.liratlon vork or you may be required to denolj.shthe structure. In sddition, you llay be eubject Lo crio.inal or Elvil action taken by <br />the Cit.y AEtorney. Ln order to avoid these consequences, I recoErnend that you take <br />immedj.ate action to submit the structural analysis, plans and obtain peroits as re-quired by the Ordinance, <br />fr;\71,^l/,,1/Phil Freeland, Director <br />Planning and Development Services <br />.-Y,>-. <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />This ietter is belng sent to you as a iourtesy so that you wlll be avare of upcomlngCity actj.ons and of vhat is required of you to conply with the Selsmic Safety Ordi.nance. - <br />Tf yorr have any questions about these requirenenls, please call Steve Crar,rford in thisoffice at 834-4991. <br />Very truly yours, { <br />PF: ih