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CI( PIISIAGE SIAI{PS IO ANIICLE IO COVM FINST CLASS MSTAGE. <br />CEnTlFlEo AIL FEE, Atl0 CXAnGES Fon lilY SELECIID oPno'lAL SEnYICES. (tr lrod) <br />1. ll vou wanl lirs recerDl goslmdtked. sltck lhe gummod slub on lhe lefi ponon ol lhe address s(k ol <br />lha arlicle. l adng lt! rlcllDt dbchld. and presenl lhe arl[le al a posl ollce satuice wrndow 0r <br />hand it lo your rural carier (n0 exlra charge) <br />2. ll you do not wanl lhis receid poslmarked. slack lhe gumrned slub on lhe lefi porlon ol lhe address <br />$de ol lhe a(rcle, dale. dolach and relarn lhe receipl. and rnarl lho a(icle <br />3- ll vou wanl a relurn recerol. wrle lho centlted'marlnumber and youl namo and addr€ss on a relurn <br />r8aeipl card Form 381I. andaltach rl lo lhelronl ollhe arlrcle by means ol lh,e-[umm8d^0nd-s space <br />9€rmits othorwrs€. altrx lo back ol 0nrcle Endorse lronl olarlrcle nETUn[ nEcEPT nE0UESI€0 ' <br />adiaconl lo lhe number <br />a. tl you want deliveay reslr[led lo lhe address€e or lo an autholrzed agenl ol lha addressee <br />endo.s. RESTRICIED 0ELIVEFY on lhe konl ol lhe arlicle - <br />5. Enler toes lor lhe services requesled rn lhe appropriale spaceson lhe lronl ol lhis receipl llrelurn <br />rscoipl is requesled. check lhe applrcabloblocks In tem 1 ol Fom 3811 <br />5. Save this recejpt and pres€nl il il you male rnqurry ' 1t Gpo. l9?9 3o2-t7E