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STICX MSTAGT STAMPS TO ABTICLE IO COVTE <br />CEnTltlt0 frlAll- FEE. Atl0 CHABGES F0R ANY SEtECT[o <br />z <br />ll you wanr lhrs recerpt mstmarked. stick the gummed slub on the l€i porlon ol lho address Sade ol <br />rh8 d.l,cLe. llrvlne lil rrrolipl attchld. and pretenl lhe art[te al a post ofllce s€rvlce wndow or <br />hald rl lo your ruralcallrer (no exlra charge) <br />ll yoLr do nol want lhrs recetpl poslfiarked. Sltck lhe gummed slub on lhe tell mnpn ol lhe address <br />sde 0l lho arlrcle. dat€ detach and retarn the recelpl. and mait th6 arlicte <br />Ll you wanl a relurn recerpl. wnle lhe cerltlEd,marl number and your name and address on a relurn <br />rocoipl card Form 381t. and altaci rt lo the kont ol the anEb by neans ol lhe gummed ends rl space <br />permrls olherus€ allu to bact ol srlrcte Endorse tront ot arlrcte iEIUi[ nEctln nEoucslEti <br />adiacenl lo lhe flumber <br />' you want oerrvery reslficled ro the addressee or to an authoflzed aoenl ol lhe address€€. <br />cndors€ RESI RICIt 0 0tl-rVtRY on lhe tront ol lie arlrte <br />Enler lees lor lhe services requested rn lhe appropriate srEces on the kont ol this r8cerpt I return <br />recerpl rs requesled. check the applrcable blcts rn lem 1 ol Fofm 3811 <br />3 <br />{ <br />6. Save thrs receipl and presenl tt tlyou make tnqutry <br />Lt GPO t 9a0 331-OO3