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oI <br />INITIAL OFDffiArc/rIC <br />CTIY G SAIVIA EI{A <br />SEISIlIC SqFgIY ORDINA}ICE <br />IO: OrrErs and terants of unrefuforced [rEsonry brildtings <br />!4abe1 McFadden <br />WilIiam B. Worden <br />I515 Riviera Drive <br />Pasadena, CA 9110 7 <br />Egardhg t}|e hrildfurg located at 902 North Main street, <br />ard descj-bed as Garge Oounty Assessorr s Pa.rce1 llurber <br />Date: July 29, 1983 <br />Santa Ana <br />005-185-28 <br />orr Febn:ary 19, 1980, tlE city cowlcil of tlE city of santa Ana adopted orainance <br />No. Ns-1518. I?ris Gdinarrce, entitLed iEartlquake tlazard EdrrLion h E<isthg <br />Brdldirgs, " added Article xt, @nsistjrg of Secti@ts 8-2000 to 8-2007, to Chapter 8 <br />of tlE Santa ArE ltrLicipal Code. on Septsnber 8, 1981, t}le City orJncil adopted <br />Hjllarce lilo. NS-I598, u*rictr arcrded Article )(t of Chapter I of t}te !,trdcipal 6de <br />by arerning SesEions 8-2002, 8-2004, 8-2005 aId 8-2006, ard bry add.irg Section 2004,5tlEreto. on Marctr 14, 1983, the city 6unci1 rdopt€d orrdij'tarE DIo. Dls-1673, htlich <br />al€rdd art-icle )(t of Chapter 8 of tlle lunicipal Code tD, arEnding sectioDs 8-2003, <br />8-2005, ard 8-2007, ard hry adding secLions 8-2003.1, ard 8-2003.5 ard 8-2004.1 <br />tlEreto. <br />Hereafter in tllis Notice, ordilance llo. NS-I5I8, as anerded by N'hance Nos. NS- <br />1598 ard Ns-1573, will be referred to as tle Cityrs 'Seisnic safetl, odinance. " <br />DE EIIII.I TICiI OF RISK CIASSIT'ICArICDI <br />A field engi-neeriig sur:vey ard revi*,, corducted ty ttE City jJdicates tllat the <br />subject t uildirrg is of a design ard type of unreifforced @nsti.Etion, @ntaj.nfutg <br />rral1s with less tlnn tlp re+rired reirforcslEnt, $rtdch f.Ils wiUdn tlc scope of the <br />City's Seisdc Safety Ord.jlance. P,Esuant to tlE mirarEe, tle subject hdldirg tlas <br />been desigrnted tD, tlE city tD fal] within t]re Class III (rcdiun risk) category. <br />SEISMIC OBDI}B}ICE REg-]:IRE{BTTS <br />Pursuant to tle City's Seisnic safety ordtErEe, tle orcr of ttE subject hrildirtg <br />has tlE resporrsibifiQ to brirE tjte hrudfug fuito Gfo:IErEe witjt tlE Od.illance. <br />IlHer tlE ptorrisicr of tlre Cityrs Seignic Safetlt dirErc, tlE o[Er is reguired to <br />prorride a struchJral aralysis by a liursed EtJilEtlJrat er4Jir--r, civil €ngiJEer or <br />arddtect. this stnEturaL analysis sttall be Er*nitted to tlre Citlzr s Departrsrt of <br />ffanrring & E\relryrEnt Senrices for rsrrier^r htithirt trrc h:rdred Be\renty (270) days <br />fisr tle itate tlE City has sent this iJlitial $ritt€n tptie, or older, to tlE <br />buildhg's o*rEr, <br />( <br />SEISI'IIC ORDINA}ICE ADDD TO ![,JN]CIPAL @E