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o <br />If tlE brilaiig is fourd to be deficient wder tlE stardards establish€d ty tlE <br />OldijtarEe, plans ard calqrlations necessary for correctirre r€rk are to be glltrdtted <br />togetirer with tlle structural. analysis. The cr*ner shal1 car:se the trriliting to bestructuraLly altered so as to onform to tle stardalds of tle dillance or cause itto be ilqolished. Perrdts regdred to acorplish tle rccessary st:uctural alterations <br />stral,l be obtajred rDt late! than orE (1) year fi:crn tle dlte of senrice of tlerDtic to the crrrer. <br />The required alterations trust crlrEtrce r*ithin ore hlIdred eighty (180) days frcrn the <br />date tlE pesdt is issued. Ihe hrilding rNst be arrected to rEet tle nrinirun <br />reguirsrErlts of tlE OrdiiarEe rDt later ttran three (3) years frcrn t}e date of <br />service of this rDtice. If the cl^nEr or otier person ln charge or drtlol of t]Esubject bdlding fails to aply with the Order wittrin any of tle periods <br />presc5-bed bD, tlE Cityrs Seignic Safety OratirarEe, tlE Cityrs Di:ector of plannijlg <br />and De\rElogrEnt Serlric€s is r-qu.ired to order tle entire hrilabg \racated until aL1 <br />reguired arnlysis ard stmcturaL altejations have been orpteted. In xi.ri t.ic['r, ilr <br />cases of rsl-onpliarE€ witn the Ortliranoe, the City's Director of planning ard <br />Developrcnt Ser/ices is provided witi other rqed,ies hy tle Ordinance so as to <br />assure orpLiartce. <br />the tjnre reguirerents for anptetion of rrcrk on a hrildillg for the lrrrlDse of <br />acldeuhg orpliance with tle porovisions of tle OrtUnarrce nay be eorterded for anrddi ti6y6] period of three (3) years for a nediur risk, Cl.cs III t jlldirg, provided <br />that the crarer of any such Class III hrifdj.rg insta1ls ardrzor prcrriiles parCialreairs in acordarrce with Sections 8-2004.1 ard 8-2005(c). <br />Your attEnlion is also directed to Santa Ana I,AILicipaI Oode Section 8-2004.5,pertainiry to aFplications hry adjoh-ing hrildjng o{rErs fo! octension-s of tjrreregarairy tle various deadlttes specified in the City's Seisrlic Safety odjrEnce. <br />RTGTTT G APPEAL <br />The City's Director of P1a$d.ry and De\retoFEnt Senries' ildLial order (ircludiig <br />his deterninaLion of classification of tle subject t rild&g) ruy be ryealed by t}re <br />ctr rEr or terant so long as such appeal is filed witli-n oe h:rdrd eighqr (180) daysafter service of tlE Directorrs initial rElice or o!de! dt Elrtr orcr. <br />o <br />fr,tV,,,/t'/-- <br />Phil fYeelard, Director <br />Planrftry & B/elc4rrEnt Ser:\rj.ces <br />City of Santa Ana <br />lie are errlosi.rtg a ocpy of tlE City's c.urrent Seignic Safety Safety Odj-nance for <br />lo,rr infonnation. If )rou shouLd have any qluestidE, please ooltact.,oe ltlazzeo at(714) 834 499I, or cary Craig at (714) 834 4981. <br />Enc.