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o o <br />DEPARTI.IENT OF BUILDIIIG SAFETY <br />Aprll 29, 1981 <br />Wll'l lam B. Ilorden C.F.A. <br />180 South Lake Avenue <br />Pasadena, CA 91101 <br />Dear Mr. llor{en: <br />Thank you for your letter of Aprll 23, 1981. The purpose of <br />thls letter ls to conflrm our conversat{on today. <br />A revlevr of our rec,rrds lndlcates that the bulldlng at go. <br />l{orth Maln Street doec not cme wlthln the scoPe of the Scls- <br />mlc Ordlnanc€ (Artlcle XI' Chrpter I, Srntr Ane itunlclpal <br />Code. <br />The correspondence you rccelved is apparently the result of <br />the bulldlhgs at 902 rnd 906 tlorth lilaln Street, both belng <br />located on 6ne lot accordlng to offlclal maps (5-185-28). I <br />wlll att€mpt to clarify thls lssue. <br />Thank you for your understandlng. <br />S'lncerely, <br />t/ <br />r'.;'tt rf Lr(i-tC'eary Crclg , ,l <br />Adnlnl stratlve AYslstant <br />GC: ds <br />/ <br />, <br />I <br />I