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Ircordlng icquerlrd By: <br />Whri iccordrd ilrll lc: <br />ilEWP0nI tSCR0W C0tilPIXY <br />?90 PtuuntI0lvEiluE <br />c08Tr ilEst crlrf0Bltt 92626 <br />rTtE 0n0E[ illl. <br />- NOTICE <br />ttrl. coDy of 'Notica ol D.ttult .nd Elcclloa to S.ll Undc, <br />Deodorirust'.theorigtn.lotwhtchwr!llcdlorracordlnlh, <br />ollico ot lhe CounJuly 25 ,19 tvR <br />86 <br />ecorco. ol lho County !lllcd harcln, on <br />18 d3liverod lo you !3 tha publlc <br />,tcords ol said Cornty inCic?ic ioJ ir8ve an tntcrarl ln tha ltutl <br />D.o9{rnyand in the lorectosurg procoeCioos rotorrad loharcl^ <br />SPACE tB()UE TlilS UXE fllB nt0(lB0ER's u$E_=- <br />rT[lUtc,fi-oo, t <br />CIIY OF SANIA ANA <br />AUG 2 6 966 <br />o o <br />IRUSTEE STI.E Xll.5204 <br />ilOTICE OF OEFAUTT AIIll ETECTIOII T(l SETI U]ItlER OEEI! (lT TRUST <br />lilP0RTAI{T ll0TlCE <br />lFY(lUR PR()PERTY 1S I1{ FtlRECI.(ISURE BECAUSE Yl)U ARE BEIIII{It Iil Yl}UR PAYMET{TS, IT itAY 8E <br />S0L0 WITH0UT AllY C0U RT AGfl0il, rnd you mayhart lht lcgrlrlghl lo trlng youraccounl ln good rlandlng ty paytng rltd <br />your prsl dur gaymenls plus permilled cosls and crjcnscs wilhln lhc llme permllted by law lor rclnslatemenl ol your ridounI rhlct <br />ls normrlly lire tuslness days prlor to ltc dalc sel lor ltc sah ol your grogcrly. l{o ralc dalc may bc rel unlil lhree monlhs hom lhr <br />dalr lhlr nollce ol delaull may Dt rccorded lwhlch dlle ol recordrllon tpeeers 0r lhlr nollccl. <br />Thlr rmounl lr g 8.4g3.t 4 rs ol ot t zj t g6 rad rlll lncreasr <br />unlll your accounl becomes current You m.J n0l tevr l0 paI lte cnllre ungald porllon ol your accoun[ cuen lhough lull galm0nl uas <br />dcmandcd, tut you musl pay lha amounl slalcd .toua <br />Howcter. you and your tencllclary ot morlgagee may mulually rgree ln urlllng grior lo lhe llmc lhe nollce ol sale ls posled [whlci <br />may nol te crrller lhan lhe cnd ol lhc t[rec-monli perlod slrlcd rtorel lo, rmong olher lilngq ll I grorlde addlllonal llme ln wtlch lr <br />curc lht dehull ty lransler ol lIe propcrly or ol[crwlso; or [2] cslaillsh r schedulc ol paymenls ln onlor lo cure your dclaull; or !olt <br />lll tnd l2l. <br />Folloulng lhc expiralion ol lhc llme perlod rclenrd lo ln lhc llrsl paragnph ol lhls nollcc, unlesr ltc otllgalion telng torecloscd <br />u!0n 0r . seperals rrillrn rgreemerl iclrccn you rnd your crcdllor permlls a longer pcrlod, you irrc only lhc legrl rlghl lo slop lhc <br />rrlc rl your propcrty ty paying lht ralin rmounl dcmandad lJ J0ur crldllor. <br />To llnd oul lhe rmounl you mlsl ,tJ, 0r l0 arnne! ler grymcnl l0 slop lhe loreclosurc lor ray ol[er lcaron, oonlacl: <br />CATITEDRAL }IORTGAGB CO}IPANT <br />c/o GIBRALTAR UoNEYCENTER, INC. <br />9919 VIA PASAR - ATTN: NAREN OPAT 2462 <br />sAN DTEGO,CA 92t25 <br />(619) 271-9880 <br />ll you iarc rny querlionr, you rhould co[lrcl r ]rrlr 0r lhr gorcrnmenl agency rhlch mry trvc lnsurcd your lom <br />llotwithstanding thelact thal your D.roperty ls In loreclosuro, you may 0ll0r your pr0pertJ l0r <br />sale, prorided lhe sale ls concluded prlor l0 lhe concluslon ol lhe loreclosure. <br />Brmember, Yt)U ilAY t0SE tEGAt RIGHTS lt YllU 00 1{0T TAXE PR0ilPT ACTl0ll. <br />Coollnucl - <br /> 0.. lll .l lrc l?l ?.t.r <br />Pt8rfl t ll{sPtclo,{ sfFlvt&s