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ItTtt 0n0tn t0.f,rnrro.IiU <br />52 <br />Pri. Tr. l2l rl Tr. [2] ht.! <br />}I()TICE OI OEFAUTT AlID ETECTIOII T(l SEtt UlIDEB llEEll l)F TRUST <br />!ilP0RTAltT [0TrCE <br />IIOT]CE IS IIEIEBY GITEII:fitl Newport Escrov conpany h ror luly tlEolnlrd Trurlrr undrr r 0ud tl Tnrt <br />df lfl O3ll3l84 CMUIGd !I: RoBERT R. ZIEI'IER, a stngle nan aa to an undlvlded66'31I lnterest, JOHN T. ZISKO' a rrarrled man as hle sole and aeparate property as to anundlvlded 14.742 lntereBt and ROGER P. LINDSTEDT' a narried rnan as hls sole and separate <br />ls Tlutlcr, l0trcurc otllglll0ls ]n lrror cl: MERIT Hol'{E LoAN properry as to an undtvldeit 18.952lntere8t all as tenants 1n conmon. <br />$ Ernrllclrry <br />lccordrd rr oslo4l84 rs d0cumGnl rr 84-185176 lool <br />0l 0lllcrl Bccords ln lic olllm 0l ltr Rrcordrr sl orange <br />llt ]fnd lhenlf: As more fully descrlbed on sald Deed of Trust <br />lncludlel r nolclrl lor lhr rum rl $26s,000.00 l;rt lit tlncllclrt <br />lnttnrt rndcr rtld 0acl cl Trusl trd thr otllgrtlonr ttcurld lirntl rn DrltGllll lcld ly lhr tcnrllclrry. Tirl r tnrci ol, rrl <br />dclaull h,tlr obllgrllon tor rhlci s,ld llrci ol Tturl h sccurlll hrs occurnd h ltrl lhc prynenl [u nol lscn mrdt ol: <br />Ihe 06/01/86 lnstalLDent of prlncipal and/or lnterest, and subsequentlnstallnents, lf any, together wlth late charges, lupounds, advances, <br />taxes, and assessuents, if any. <br />The Deed of Trust described above ls one of four Deeds of Truat secured <br />by one Note. Foreclosures are belng processed concurrently. Any amounta <br />conmon to each of the foreclosure proceedlngs shall be charged only oncefor relnstateEent. Relnstatenent r11l requlre in addltton to such coEmon <br />anounta, the addltlonal cost6, expenaea, and feea occasioned by each <br />foreclosure proceedlng. <br />lnd lhrl !y rurt00 cl srld !rcrch rrd dotrult lhr undrtrlgncd, rs Trusl!!, lcrcty declrrolrl rll srms secund ltcrcty to lr <br />lmmrdhlcly duc rnd h.ttl rlmlld lo rsll or crurr lic trult proprrlJ lo lc rold lo ullrly such 0tllgrllons. h lir crcnl lhr Dtrd rl <br />Trurl rclcrnd lo hercln crn lr rclnslrlcd, t c0ndlll0[ of ruclt rslnrhlcmrrl sirll !r prlmlrl 0l tll dlllnqucnclos lhcn crlrllng rr <br />rcc0url .l Drlor hrlt lhnr rnd cncumtnncrs rllccllne lh! lrusl lroDrrlI. <br />0lIE: o7 123186 <br />ilEWP0nT ESCRoW C0tpt'ty, t cil.tt0Bilt <br />C(lBPllB rox. ts TIU$TEE <br />Suza <br />Pr!! Tur l2l .l Ir. l2l Prgtr <br />lloilcE 0F 0EftuLT tlt0 ErEcTtoil T0 sEu. <br />Qf:!t'Ji5.,, <br />,ur <br />Counly, Cllllornlr, descrltln; <br />Stavlch, Trus Sale Offlcer