<br />1979 E DtT ION 701
<br />Chapler 7
<br />Complianc6
<br />Se(. ?01. (a) Crner.l..{fler an} order of rhe buildint offi.ial or lhe&\ard of .lfleal( made Fursuanl io rhis c<,de stralt la.e iecomeilnat. nc,
<br />Fler\rrn ro qhom an\ su.h order is dire.rcd shall fail. ncglecr or rcfusc rouh<1 an1 suih.,rder. An1 (u.h per5on \ h(r fails to.ornplf "iit "riru.i,order t. E L ilt! of a m tsdemeanor.
<br />- {b) Feilure to Obe! Order, lf. afler an} order of rh. buildinS official orBoard of Appcal. made pursuanr ro rhrs iodc has beco.. f,;;i: ,h.;;;;;ro uhom such order is direircd shall fail, neEIe.r or rcfusc ro;t.i;;.;ordjr.^rh: b.uildrn5 official ma) (i) cauqr suih p.,son," b. p;;rc.-;;;l
<br />un0er 5ubse(;uon (a) of this sccrion or (ii) insljlute an!.appropriare aclionlo abare such building as a publtc nuisancc.
<br />{c) Failur. to Comrhence uorl. \\'hcncrcr thr rceuired rcnair ordemolilion is nor ccmmenccd \rithin 3O dats afrer an. frnal no,l.a
<br />"na.rder is:ued undcr thir code he.ome! effeatj\ e:i TI c l-rrlJ.r,1 ,,11.r,ia1 .hi,ll .nu(( ih( huii,_j,n! J..,.r1,(J rn <u.l r!ltr.!djrJ. (jrJrj r.' br,- ratattJ b\ tosirnE at each entran;e ,trar",a u n.riia.tcadrng:
<br />DO NOT OCCUP}'
<br />lr r, a mirdenreanor ro ociuf,\ this buildin!
<br />t.: l<, rem or r Or defa(e Ih i. nrluae.
<br />l: ,
<br />:t: ll ::t
<br />: No. pers.n shall o.cup\ an1 buildrn3 uhrch has been poslcd asrSrrfied in rhi( \u|,\.,-tion. \o'person !hall reit..\e o, defaie'an, ,u.hnn:lcf so po<ltJ untrl thr repalr!. demolrlron or rerl1o\arorde,cd't. thri_-rlj.x! rrlttal3l l.:ir e t'ccn cemplclcd anJ a Ccrirflaal( of O..uoan..
<br />r.. Lrfd fursuant I o rhc nr(a\ i(ron\ of I he BuildinE Codr.
<br />3. The building offj.ial ma\. rn addilion lo an) olh.r remed) hereinp:orrded. causr lhe bu,ldlng lo bc r.paircd to thc citcnt n.".*"ri ,o-.ii-rc;, the condirron. uhich rr'1dcr thr t,uildint dang.rou! a5 sei forillin-rf,.
<br />norice and ord.r: or, if lhe nolice and ordcircquircd acmolirion, io lari.tlc building ro be sold and demolished or demolishcd anO rti."r..,alr,rubble and debrjs lhercfrom rcmo\ed and thc lot clcancd. A"t ,;.; ;.;;;or dcmolilion
<br />.B or\ shall bc accomplishcd and thc .o" rf,.riJp"ia '"na
<br />r.io\.red in rhc manner hcrcinafrer pro\idcd in rlis coac. anrliulolu,rcalrzcd from rhr sale of an) such buildrnS, o, from rnq aimo-llio_-n
<br />:i:Iil:,Ij:i:.',;ffi jff :I #,::T il []",1,,"::,,",,],;"],X,".,n.,",.