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ft uL H. Pollocr, INc.o <br />""rH-&r,iIBIRII'.!/.r' <br />ENERAL BUILDING CovrRecron <br />LEENSE 199308-81 <br />I1lr71 Suns e t <br />B oulcva rdrmmn <br />Los ANcars. CA oUXs <br />12731 272-1973 <br />Harcb 20, 1981+r eu4 <br />Mr. Joe Yezzao, Chlef, Dev€lopnent P::oceastng <br />l,t . Ron Contncras, ProJect Coordlnator <br />2C Clvlc Center Pl aza <br />San ta Ane, Ce. 92702 <br />Pefenence: l+10 North Meir' Stroct' Santa Ana <br />CitY of Santa Ana Seismic <br />SefetY 0rd'inance <br />", oa# <br />ien tlomen : <br />Bul1ding, <br />Class III <br />EncloeedlsafloorplanofthgsubJectpt"oPerty.asit <br />ls now belng used l.-au" . long' telrlr- le a8e' vtr611€ tbe total ln- <br />"fa"-"""" ti Z,Z3t ug'.rt r" feeI, hallways roducc the usceble aroa <br />;;-;"i;-1,r5r+-!qit""'feet. Nontal occupancv durJ'ng.buslness <br />i,or""-io"i6-be iess tr'rat ie" peop)'e, including dentlsts' asslst- <br />t"G, """"ptlonist, offlce manat€r and patients' <br />Tbe owner of tbo property was stricken urltb Canc€r <br />durin5 tfre-aitotted peniotl of notfle and owTr€ r' ?espons.. He wag <br />noi o6r" to perform i"a f" now deceesoc' Hls r':lcow ls emotlon- <br />"iiv-"-"iuii lo- p"rro." at thls timo. Shc hlso neIles on th6 <br />.""i.f lncome fir le:' ffvely6oou. Klnd).y aLlolt her : p"Il?d "ftime to ::egaln her ablIlty to functlon by reclassltYln8 :ne <br />buildlng. <br />The rear' <br />Mrs. Pedrinl. <br />Their Portion of <br />be occuPled. <br />portlon (appnoximatclry 2/1) ls owned by l4r ' & <br />the buililing ls sealed-off and cannot <br />Tha-nk you fcr your conslderatlon' <br />our S, <br />lv <br />A <br />BFCE,Ut? <br />It ls reguested thet tho pcrtion of the Clsre Satnlck <br />io""iua-r'i-[to tlorttr Ualn Street, be removed fron tbe <br />;;;;;;;y-;"E-reclasslfled to a status of rrlow Riskrr' <br />RespectfullY