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Project No. D-3885-06 <br />Christ Our Savior Catholic Parish <br />seismic event if the soil conditions are sandy/ silty, if they are below the groundwater, and <br />if the packing of the grains (relative density) is low. Soils with high relative densities <br />cannot reduce their total volume through the compactive effort induced by the ground <br />shaking. The sampling (penetration) resistance offered by the soil from successive blows <br />delivered by a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches is counted. The number of blows to <br />drive the standard sampler full 12 inches is recorded as the N-Value, with higher numbers <br />indicating higher relative density. <br />The on-site materials yielded penetration resistance values from 3 to 45, which indicates <br />low to medium shear strength. The standard penetration resistances of the on-site <br />materials at 5 feet intervals are presented on the boring logs (Appendix B). <br />Soils Condition <br />1. Significant fill depths were not encountered within the boring holes <br />2. Evaluation of the subsurface materials indicates that the underlying natural <br />material is generally alluvium consisting of clayey sand, silty clay and silty sand <br />mixtures on the top followed by silty sand, silty clay and some organic peat <br />materials. <br />3. Caving did not occur and groundwater was encountered at the depths of l4-feet to <br />23 feet in our borings. <br />4. Soils can be cut and drilled by normal grading and drilling equipment <br />Boring Logs and laboratory test results performed on selected samples from the borings <br />are presented in Appendix B. <br />B. Cone Penetration Tests <br />Five (5) Cone Penetrometer Soundings, CPT-I through CPT-5 were completed on June <br />19,2018 to cover the general site ol the project area as shown on the Plot Plan and <br />9 <br />T <br />I <br />t <br />E <br />E <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />T <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />n <br />E <br />I