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ICS INsprcuox Coxsur-rmc Snnvrcns <br />Se m i n g S oulhe nr C aliio rnia <br />P,O. Box 2047 . lYest Coyina, CA 91793-2047 <br />Phone (626) 926.4236 <br /> <br />T I s s <br />Euild P.di( Nuob.r / OSA / OSHPO ApC FiL , <br />Sub Cfitrcloi (rl Any) <br />Hours <br />REGULAR 2X Miloag6 <br />Expenses <br />D Reinforcement <br />- <br />E concrate _- O Ma"onry <br />- <br />fl Prestress Post Ten .- O Firsproofing <br />- <br />fl shctural st6ol <br />- <br />E Epory.-O om., <br />Doscription ol Work lnspected <br />Cubic YardsDesign PSIMix Used <br />Certif ication of ComPliance <br />I declare undarpenalty ot p€rjury lhat allol lhe above statements <br />are lrue, and that ol own personal knowledge that the work <br />during the period covered by this report has been perlormed <br />and installod in every material respect in compliance with the <br />approved plans, sp€cifications and all applicable codes <br />lnspector Name <br />lnspector Signature <br />lnspector lD's- Submitted BY <br />Specimens <br />All lnspection based on a minimum of 4 hours and over 4 <br />hours - 8 hour minimum. ln addition, any inspection extending <br />past noon will be an 8 hour minimum. lf lnspector is called to <br />a project and no work performed, a 2 hour minimum will be <br />applied. <br />(lnspection Consulting Services) <br />Page: _ of: _PW, " I t{ Ftr Lc-{9 k,o. oc, <br />INSPECTION REPORT <br />REQUTREMENTS: Limit ol one job numbor; one permit number psr sheet. ldentity all work by type and SPECIFIC location. <br />Non-Compliant work must b€ spociticalty identitigd. Communicalion (RFl Sketch , €tc.) voiding previous nontomplian! ilems musl be lisled. <br />Record conversalions and communications with proiect dosignors. building aod permit granling authority oflicials. <br />1.5 X <br />Approved /Authorized by: <br />(Proisct Sup€rintendent)