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t-t1.t.c,'1+to , L3. tq I v 4 s s <br />J.5 NfrF0tG Latn<r SLrrL<l r n <.w--i"6ii,Y'??Try**'Jrraac' < *-Yt r A <br />lo-^t lt <br />lD *e 1 as <br />( A-ncS T-t Fr <br />REOUIREMENIS: Llmll ol ono lob nlmb€r one nulnb€r por 8ho€t. ldsntily .ll work by typ€ lnd SPECIFIC locall'on. <br />Noloonipliant work must be rp.clficalt ldenlifiod. CornmunlcGtion (RFl Sket*l ; .lc.) r,oirng F.vbu! non<.lhpll.nt ltcrB musl be llsled <br />Rocord cornsrlellollr and cormqllcadon! wfth paolocl deslgnoa!. bu0ding md p€.mit granling authority oficials <br />I <br />ICS Ixspscrrox Consulrnc SERvICEs <br />Seni;z,g Southcn Califurnia <br />INSPECTION BEPORT <br />P.O. Box 2fi7 . I{est Covio4 CA 91793'2041 <br />Phor, (626) 9264236 <br /> <br />Hours <br />REGUTAR 1.5 X <br />Y <br />Mlloage: <br />ErD€rrses' <br />E Rchtorcoment <br />- <br />0 concr*e <br />- <br />O u"co*y <br />- <br />O Prostres Po6t Ton <br />- <br />0 Eraproorng <br />- <br />E svucrrdsrd <br />- <br />W1.,,,ry-O ottrr <br />D,olc.lptlon ql Work lntpoctcd <br />c;T-m\; D ?-.-54..J 5 r-t I <br />e7D T Cc ti5 e t1 1 ,TH €e-EaT fi- | e <br />t>l-o c P-T€ r:' Zt D € t-,- o ?- L<? v E <- Lt *a Lr G< <br />z-3 <br />D;G'. *t-r- y.16,2 A--<:l L t-1)62 (- r= <br />Mix Used Sp€clmens <br />Certif ication of ComPliance <br />I @hIe undar penalty ol p€riury lhat all ol th€ abovs stat€monG <br />are lrue, and that ol own p€rsonal knowl€dge thal lhe work <br />during the period covered by this repofi has boen perromed <br />and installed in every malerial ,espect in comPliancs with th€ <br />approved plans, speciticalions and all applicable codes <br />All lnsp€ction based on a mlnimum ol 4 hours and over 4 <br />hours - 8 hour minimum. ln addition, any lnsp€ctlon extending <br />past noon will b6 an 8 hour minimum. ll lnspector is called to <br />a proigct and no y',ork psrlormed, a 2 hour minimum will be <br />applied. <br />lnspeclorNams , l1r4 I e t+Yf-t z--4e LsrA <br />Approved /Authorized by: <br />lnspector Signature a--l- <br />loZ4<tS fce <br />{lnspeclion Consultihg S€rvlc.s) <br />Pago: _ ol: _ <br />Design PSI <br />lnspector l0's Submitted By <br />Scanned with CamScanner <br />2X <br />Cublc Yards