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ICS P,O. Bor 2047 . Wcst Covlaq CA 91793-2J47 <br />Photc (GZO 9264236 <br />islnsPcction@;nhoorom <br />Scrr/,tl,t Sourh.tlt CaliJonb <br />INSPECTION REPORT <br />Hours <br />REGII.AR 15X 2X <br />{-5--o- <br />lr!..9.: --- <br />ErBoraa:--- <br />O nar*orl.'nrn r <br />- <br />O concr*r <br />- <br />O ulrcrv <br />- <br />Q prllrGs tb.t Tlo <br />- <br />tr nrrproofrp <br />- <br />O snrrrrt ad <br />- <br />fseoxy- O <br />DlrcrlBlon o, Wod(hrp.ctad <br />I t\/^S f*L.- b,t t'b ,./o,= * g ta, B^a Do\^J a,= *, t-a G" 6r'" 65b pf <br />a 5 L+8 6 cJ R*$'6 Ftr-rs Lt lz" 6.c-r rti 3r Og <br />.Sr-t - y? e D)<c-6 zgoe t D €'f L4 L.I .,p ' I L, c-*-<€$ <br />Lt gLr c.1 c-. s- p. L z_8,1 r<t- FLo o a <br />L-s€€ t--r L6 v {,t--. Lt r>€3 L.l'.-L€1 F-*L <br />t ^.r3f 'l'lo tt e€ t/r't 'f(+itzr*>e;o P-o.lS ftz- \.t pr-L- -f , G1 lal I -rll <br />t (f rv- B 5-A r^l f l-l op isr €P ?'7 Z-/*s 6f *t,- 4 6t fre- z>' a .-ac (a_ te ar(--aar t ft <br />LD c-sLr 5 Lrw53 B,<- <br />Mlx U6cd Spedmens <br />AI lnepec-tion bascd on a mlnlmum ot 4 hours and over 4 <br />hourc -E hour <br />part noon will <br />a prol€c{ and <br />applied. <br />rdnimum. ln addlllon,.rry lnsp€ctbn oxlending <br />be an 0 hour nrlnlmunr. ll lnspedor is oalled to <br />no worfi a 2 hour will be <br />approvad plans,and all appllcable codes <br />lnspoctor / c"+,4l.2 C-r= f a <br />-z q-AppDved /Aulhorizod by: <br />lnspedor (PrcJ€cr <br />(ln p..ddr Corl.ulthE S.,ttcg!) <br />Page: _- ol: _ <br />Yffl"llorr+lo.<.tq I I "-1 ' <br />F otA6Lrm*..4 6 u, <.( t ns ldd Pnrr Mrb.r/q8 /OgHPOleB F-ttot9q 3l-e wSwk <br />(o4 c. ,laA Sr __-r <br />€tn!o-.J 6a L*aa13aDt <br />BEOI IREII|E TS: Udt !l on lot , q! Frfl nmD.t pcr $eol lddl!'ty t,l wo,t by rype rnd sPEClflC fcelbn. <br />Nol}comlisr|t tlo.t nutt b. rp.cJic8ly ldar n!4 Co(lttlxnhdon {RFl Sktt$ , rtc.} vddng Faliour mftcoflp0rnl ll.n! mud bo llslod <br />Rocord @oltnrnqrt rnd co rrrncdhna x,th BoF.f t cCg rt. hd&E rnd l grrntin, .ulhod.ty ofidd3, <br />Ocsign Psl Cublc Yards <br />lnspeclor lD I o D +st{ -Z-e c-Submitted <br />Qaanrtar{ rrri}lr F.e rrrQaan na; <br />Inspncfl oN Consurnxc SERyICF,s <br />o <br />Certilloatlon ol Complhnce <br />I declar underpenally ol perrury t\at allot lhe abov. sHemente <br />are trua, and that ol orvn p€rsfial knotrlodgo $at th6 wotk <br />durlng th6 p€riod covered by thls report has been peformed <br />and installed ln 6very matorial rBspect in comdianee wlh thg