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o <br />INITIAL OFDERAI'IIG <br />CTT{ OF 9qI{IA ANA <br />SEISI{IC SAFEIY ORDIMNCE <br />Date: July 29, 1983 <br />TO: Onryrers and terants of unreinforced rasonry hrildings <br />Elsie S. Jones <br />13092 Shasta Way <br />Santa Ana, CA 927 05 <br />regarding tle h.rililing located at 8l- 7 North Hain Street , Santa Ana <br />and described as orarEte County Assessor's Parcel lltunber 398-015-01 <br />SEIS{IC ORDINA}ICE ADDED IP I'IINICIPAI CODE <br />On Febnrary 19, 1980, the Cj,ty courEil of tlE city of Santa Ana adcPted orC.inance <br />No. NS-I518. Itris Njnance, entitled "Earttquake Hazard Edrrtion ill Dcistjllg <br />Buj,ldirqs, " added Articte xI, consisting of Sectidls 8-2000 to 8-2007, to chaPter I <br />of tlE Santa Ana ltmicipal Code. 01 Septsnber 8, 1981, tlE City ouncil adopted <br />dfuEnc€ llo. NS-1598, wtrich arerded Artjcle XI of Grapter 8 of t}e liirrricipal Code <br />W anerning' s€ctions 8-2002, 8-2004, 8-2005 ard 8-2006, ald bY addfug Section 2004.5 <br />thereto. On March 14, 1983, tl:e City Ootncit adopted ord.ittance No. 115-1673, wttich <br />arcrded erticle xI of Chapter 8 of tlle m:nicipal 6de t[/ arn:Uing Sections 8-2003, <br />8-2006, ard 8-2007, ad by adairg Sections 8-2003.1, ad 8-2003.5 ard 8-2004.I <br />tlEreto. <br />Hereafter i.:n this Notice, ordinancre No. Ns-I518, as alErded hY OrdinarEe Nos. NS- <br />1598 ard NS-1573, will be referred to as tlle city's rrsbiqric Safety ordirunce. " <br />A field engineerirq survey ard review orducted by the City fudicates tlnt the <br />sr:bject buildi-ng is of a design ard t}rye of r:nreinforced onstnEtjon, contair:-i-ng <br />walls with less tlnn tlre reguired reinforcsEnt, lrtrich falls rrithin tle soope of tie <br />Cityts Seisnic Safety OrAhance. Pursriant to t]re Ordirnrre, t]E subject brildirlg has <br />beerr designated by t}le city to fall withirr the class III (ned.itm risk) category. <br />SEI$.{IC ORDINANCE REQUIREMENIS <br />Pursuant to tlE cityrs sei$dc Safety orAfuiarEe, tlc o^i'er of ttE subject hrilding <br />has tlE responsililitl' to brilg tlE buil4tlg ijlto @rrfolrErEe wittt tlE odhance. <br />Urder tlE prorrision of tlE Cit]rrs Seisdc Safety or:dfurarEe, tle cr*rer is required to <br />provide a struchrraf arnlysis by a liensed stnEtural engfuEr, civil engiffer or <br />arcllitect. Itris stnrctural analysis sha1l be subdtted to tlre City's @artsrEnt of <br />Planrliry & DevelcfrEnt Servicres for revieur tle ht-rdred sevejrty (270) ilays <br />frcrn tle ilate tlle City has sent this jnitial !,,ritten rotice, or order, to tlle <br />buildirlg ' s o.rrer. <br />a <br />DEIBMIN!ffICii OF Rf SK GASSIIICATIO!