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o o <br />If tlE brildirrg is fowrl to be deficient uder tlE stardards established ty tle <br />Ordinarrce, plans ard calculations rEcessary for corrective rmrk are to be subdtted <br />togetler witn tlle structural analysis. The orroer sta]'l cause the hrilaing to be <br />structurally aLtered so as to conform to tlp stardarris of t}le Ordjnance or cause it <br />to be dgolished. PerfiLits reguired to acccrplish tlE lEcessarl, BtnEtural alterations <br />shall be obtai-ned rDt later tlan orE (1) year fricn tlE date of serrice of tlErDtie to tle orner. <br />I?re required al.teralions nust ccnnEnce wit}jl qe ludred eighty (180) days frun the <br />ilate tlE pernit is issued. the b:ildirg rnEt be oretd to rEet tlc nininun <br />reguiranents of t}e ordiiarce rDt later tlan three (3) years fistr tle dat€ of <br />senrice of tllis rDtie. If tlre crner or othej tr=rson ill crhargE or dltrol of tlE <br />subject hrilailg fails to orply witi tlE eder within any of tlE tire periods <br />prescri-bed ty tlE City's Seisnic Safety or:atjrarEe, tlE City's Dilector of Plaffdrtg <br />ard De\relogrEnt Senrices is r-guired to order tle entire briLdirg \racat€d wrLil aLl <br />required analysis ard structural alterations have been copleted. In addition, in <br />cases of rst-qnplianc.e with tlte OrdirEne, tlre City's Director of Plannhg arri <br />DeveloFrEnt Services is prorrided witl otle: rgredies bry tne Orainarce so as to <br />assure orpliance. <br />Itre tine reguireents for otpletion of rork on a t rlliting for tie frrpose of <br />aclderiry drpliance with tlte povisions of tlp Gtlillarne may be ec<tcrded for an <br />a^ i tional period of t}ree (3) years for a nediun risk, Class III brildbg, plovided <br />that tlE q,iner of any such class III hrildirg installs ard,/or provides pareial <br />r@airs il acordance with SeeLions 8-2004.1 ard 8-2005(c) . <br />Your attention is also directed to Sarlta Ana larnicipal Gde Section 8-2004.5, <br />pertatLirg to aFplications ty adjoining brildjig o*rrers for extensions of tfue <br />regadiry tlp various deadli-nes specified in tle CiQrrs Sei$dc Safety Ord.inance. <br />RTGII OF APPEAL <br />Ihe city's Director of Planr:.i-ng ad De\reloFlEnt SenriGs' irritial order ( irrcluding <br />his deterrnination of classification of tle sltbject. hriJ'dirg) ttuy be afpealed bry tlte <br />cn ner or terEnt so long as sueh a[peal is filed withiJl se hrdred eighty (I80) days <br />after service of ttE Director's in-iLiaf rpLie or order qr nrch a*rcr. <br />I{e are erElosing a ooEy of t}e City's current seisrdc safety Safeq, ori.inance for <br />lour ilfornration. If 1ou should harre any questicts, please crtact Joe Mazzeo at <br />(714) 834 499I, or Gary craig at (714) 834 {98I. <br />fr,tV,,,/4,'/-- <br />Phil Freelad, Diiector <br />Plarurirg & EvelogrEnt Senrioes <br />CiBr of Santa Ana <br />Elc.