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oo <br />.\IAYOR <br />R W tuxenrbour8e' <br />\ rct \lAYoR <br />Danrel I Cnser <br />cou\crL\1t\!8tR5 <br />Cordon Bncken <br />P Lea lohnson <br />Parr(ra A ll(CurBan <br />Dan \ (rung <br />CIT\ \1A\ACtR <br />Roben C Bobb <br />ClTt ATTORf.ItY <br />tdt\.rc J Cooper <br />cLtR[ or THE COU\CL <br />lnnr(P C Cu\ <br />ALL-A\ltRrCA CtT\'1981.81 <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />FIN.qL NOTICE AND ORDER <br />Assessor's ParceI Number 398-022-10 <br />Aiex Bannelos <br />5079 Los Fellx Blvd. <br />Los .{ngeles, Ca. 90027 <br />THIS NoTICE is being sent ro you pursuani to Sanra Ana Municipal Code (SAllC) <br />Section 8-2004(e) and Secrion 701(c) of rhe Uniform Code for Ehc Abaremenrof Dangerous Buildings. <br />YoU ARE HEREBY NoTIFIED rhat the above-described structure has been deemedto constitute a dangerous building due to non-compliance uith Article II(consisting of Sections 8-2000 to 8-2007) of Chapter 8 of the SAMC entirled <br />"Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existlng Buildings". Arti.cle XI of Chaprer g <br />of the SAyC is cornonly knovn as the City's Seismic Safety Ordinance. <br />Re: Oran3e County <br />and corunonly <br />September 6, 1984 <br />Yours <br />Pursuant to SAMC Section 8-2004(b), the deadline for obtal.ning <br />fu11 sej.snic repair under the provisi.ons of the Cityts Sej.smic <br />0rdinance was July 29, 1984. <br />permits for <br />Sa fet y <br />YOU ARE THEREFoRE ruRTHER ADVISED thar pursuanr ro Section 701(c) of the <br />Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildi.ngs, a copy of which is <br />attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and j.ncorporated herein by reference, thatif, by october 10, 1984, required permits for full seismic repair haye not <br />been obtained, the City of Santa Ana intends Lo enforce its Seisnj.c Safety0rdinance in accordance r.,ith any or all of the provisions of Section 701(c). <br />It is suggested that you notify each of your tenants of the contents of thi.sNotice so that they can take appropriate action before the deadline. <br />Thi s Notice and 0rder is not appealable. <br />truly, <br />W TA*ulu,,f- <br />Phi 1 Freeland, Di rec r or <br />Planning E Development Se rvices <br />PF: ih <br />At tac hmen t <br />20 clvrc ctNTtR PtAzA . P o 80x 1988 <br />s^fiTA A\A CALtfORNTA 92702 <br />knoun as iI07 North i'iain Street <br />Dear Mr. 3annelos: