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oo <br />EXHIBIT A <br />r979 E OtT tON 701 <br />Chapter 7 <br />EN FORCEMENT OF THE ORDER <br />OF THE BUILOING OFFICIAL <br />OR THE BOARD OF APPEALS <br />Compliance <br />Se(,701. (a) Generel..{fter an! order of lhe buildinE offi.ial or lhe&,ard of Alpeals made pursuant io rhis code shall hare iecomc fjnal, no <br />fEr!on lo \rhom an\ su.h orcler is shall fail. nc!lecl or refuie rooter an1 su;h order. .A.n! su.h perlon \ h.. fajls to com;l] $irh an! !uchordcr r( Euilr\ of a miidrmeanor. <br />(b) Irilure to Ob.! Order. lf. after any ord.r of lhe building official or&rard of Appeal. made Fursuant to rhr< code hai be.omr frnall rhc pcrson <br />ro uhom su.h order is direated shall fail, neglecr or rcfusc ro obei suchordrr,_lhe t'urldrng offi;ial ma! (i) cause suih p.rson ro b. prosc.uriJ <br />undcr Subsecrion (a) of rhis secrion or (ii) insritule an! ,pproprirr. r.iion <br />ro abar. such buildin! as a public nuisancc. <br />(c) Failure lo Comrr|ence !dorl. \\'henercr the required repair ordemolirton is nor cc,.nmenced uirhin -10 dals after an\ ftnal no,iaa rna.r-df r isiued under rhis code he.orne( effe.ri\ e:i Tl,. f.-il.l.,rr ,,'fL,rrl rhrl, 'ar.( ih( l.uri.j,,i! d(....1.(J rr, (u.t :.,,1,,1o::,.j otdrr io b( \a.arrJ b\ posiin! at tach entran.c tharero a nLrlrae <br />readlng i <br />DANCEROUS BLIILDING <br />DO NOT OCCUP.t <br />ll j: a mi\denteanor to occun\ I hii t,uildinS <br />(,r i o aern o\ e or deface Ihi\ nlrr ice. <br />::"::ll::lt,:ill <br />2 No. person shali occup) an) bujlding shich has bccn posled as!lc!ifird in lhis .ut,ie.rion. r*o'person shall rem..\r or dcfare'anr iu.ln\:rce \c posteJ Lrn l rhe reparrs. dcmoliUon or rcmo\al ordered 1., th,-, Jj.1! ("lr.rr' li.c hcen ...m;ll!tcl an.j a (crrrfr,ar \1f O..oDan.\ <br />r.,ued pu:suanr lo rh( f,r (.\ rsion. of I he Buildrnf Code. <br />3. The building official ma\, in addirion ro an\ orhcr remed\ hcr€inpro\ldcd. cause rhe buildrng ro be rcpair.d ro rh. t\lenr naaa,r"r, ,o " rhe cr\hd''ron( uhich rerder the tuildin8 dangerous as scr forih rr. thenolice and order; or, if the no(ice and order rcquircd dcmolition, lo causrth. buildine lo be sold and dcmolishcd or d.motishcd anO rtrc mareiiatr,n:bble and debris rhcrefrom remo\.d and rhc lor cleancd. ,,rnf suct ,.o"i,o. dcmolj r ion <br />.\a orl shall be accomplish.d and rhc cosr rhcriof paiJ'anireiorcr.d tn lhc manncr hercinafrcr pro\ided in this codc. Anrl suroirlircaliz.d from lhe sale of an) such buildint, or from rhc Oimoliiiontt|crco[, ovcr and abovc rhe cosr of dcmolilion and of clcaning the lot,shall bc paid ovcr ro rhc pcrson or pcrsons la$full) cnritlcd rhcrct;.