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Uher, recorded, return to <br />Recorded at request of <br />,:itI of Santa Ana <br />Citl of Santa Ana <br />Planning & Development <br />20 Civic Center Pl.aza <br />Santa Ana, Ca. 92701 <br />D <br />Services <br />r'119 <br />'I 107 llorth l{aln Street <br />8r-21q5l1. <br />FEC^O.ROED IN OFFICIAL RECORDSIJI UHANGE COUNTY CALIFORN'A <br />-Brg pM |,Ay 2I '84 <br />q<-a.-,/J^-".-L couAlrY <br />FECO€O€R <br />EXE{PT RECORDING REQUEST PER GOY'T CODE 6103 <br />NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDI}{G <br />CITI OF SANTA ANA'S SEISMIC SAFETY ORDINANCE <br />, Santa Ana, <br />NoTICE IS HEREBI GMli that the certain building or buildings located at: <br />California, described as follows: Lots I5. 17- 19. 21 - ?3^ and 25- Rlnck 8 <br />Snith and Bi shoo 's A.ddition <br />Santa Ana, Count)' of orange, State of Californi.a, the record ouner or owners being <br />Alex Dannel os <br />has been found, by inspection and revier., to contain onsonry wa1ls of a design and <br />type of unreinforced construction that falIs vithin the scope of the CiEy's Seismic <br />Safetl' Ordi.nance. As such, this buj.ldinB is subject to the provisions of Article XI <br />of Chapter 8 of the Sanla Ana Municipal Code. <br />0n Februar1 l9, 1980, the Citt Council of the Ci.ty of Santa Ana adopted 0rdinance <br />lio, liS-1516. This 0rdinance, entiLled "Earthquake Hazard Reduction i.n Existing <br />Buildings" added Article II , consistinS of Sections 8-2000 to 8-2007, to Chapter 8 <br />of the Santa Ana Municipal Code, 0n September 8, 1981, the City Council adopted <br />Ordinance No. NS-l598, amended Article XI of Chapter 8 of the Municipal Code <br />by amending Sections 8-2002, 8-2004, 8-2005 and 8-2006, and by adding Section 8-2004.5 <br />thereto. 0n March 14, 1983, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. NS-1673, which <br />amendec Arricle XI of Chapter 8 of the Municipal Code by amending Sections 8-2003, <br />8-2006 and 8-2007, and by adding Sections 8-2003.1, 8-2003.5, and 8-2004.I thereto. <br />Hereafter in this I'iotice, 0rdinance No, NS-I518, as amended by Ordinances Nos. NS-I518 <br />and )iS-l673 vi11 be referred to as the City's rrseismic Safety Ordinance". <br />The owner is required to have a structural analysis nade of the building by a licensed <br />structural engi.neer, civil engineer or archiLect. This 6tructural analysis is to be <br />submitted to the Department of Planning & Development Services for revi.ev vithin tvo <br />hundred and seventy (27C) days from and after the dete of service of the Director's <br />initial Notice. If the building is found to be deficient under the standards cstab- <br />be submitted together uith the structural analysis. The ovner sha1l cause the buildinB <br />to be structurally altered so as to conform to the standards of the ordlnance or causeit to be demolj.shed, Permits required to accorDplish the necessary structural altera-tions sha1l be obtained not l6ter than one (l) year from and after the date of serviceof the Director's initial lioti.ce, <br />The requlred alterations must conmence uithin one hundred eighty (180) days from and <br />afler the dare the permit is issued. The building Dust be correcEed to meet the <br />minimum requirements of the 0rdinance not later than three (3) years from and after <br />1i-ined by the Ordinance, plans and ca1cu,l-ations necessary for corrective u,ork are to