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O <br />]NIITIAL O8MArc/rICE <br />CIIY OI SAI\II3 A}{A <br />SE]S{IC SAF TY ORDIM}ICE <br />Datc: JuLy 29. 1983 <br />!0: Orrrers a]1d terEnts of unreirforced rasonry trrildilgs <br />AIex Bannelos <br />5079 Los Felix BIvd. <br />Los Angeles, CA 90027 <br />regaldfurg ttE brilding locat€d at 1107 North Main Street, Santa Ana <br />ard descri-bed as OrarEe Co\rnty Assessor's Parcel lilurter 398-022-10 <br />SEISIIC OFDI]G}IG ADDM TP T{,JNICTPAL @E <br />Gl February 19, 1980, tlle City Collltcil of tlE city of Santa ArE adopt€d odijlance <br />lib. NS-1518. thi.s OrdirEnce, entitled I'EartlqlEke Hazard RedlEtion iJl D<isting <br />Builttirgs, " added Article xI, @nsisting of Sectidts 8-2000 to 8-2007, to Chapfer 8 <br />of the Santa Ana lur:-icipal Code. On Septenber 8, 1981, t}le City Ouncil a@ted <br />Hinarrce tlo. N91598, !,,trich arErtled Article )g of Chapter 8 of tlE lnnicipal Gde <br />by areraing SectiorB 8-2002, 8-2004, 8-2005 ard 8-2005, !'d by addirg Section 2004.5tlEreto. Olr lrarch 14, 1983, tlle City Cowlcil adopted cd.inaDce N). liS-I673, r*rich <br />anerded Article XI of elapter 8 of tle m:nj.cipaI Code hy amrrung Sections 8-2003, <br />8-2006, ani 8-2007, ard ty adairrg Sections 8-2003.1, rrd 8-2003.5 ard 8-2004.1 <br />tlereto. <br />Hereafter in tiis llotice, Ordinance I.b. NS-1518, as arnerded t'y OdiJErE Ncs. NS- <br />1598 ard NS-I673, will be referred to as tlE Cityrs "Seisrdc Safet], Ordinnce. " <br />DEMMI}BTION OF RTSK GASSIFICAECN <br />A fieLd engiJleerirg sun ey ard re\rj.*J corduct€d by tlE City hdlicates tltat tlE <br />subject t rdldjrg is of a design ard tlpe of unrefuforced a:stnEtion, ontairrillg <br />t{al,ls with less than tlle requ.ired refulforagrEnt, rrtdch fel ls yigln t}e soope of t}te <br />City's Seisnic Safety miranoe. hEsuant to tle Onctirarrce, the subject briI4futg has <br />ben desigrated ty tlE city to fa]l vdttlh the Class III (udiun risk) category. <br />SETSMIC ORDINA}TCE REITREMETTS <br />Pursuant to tlE Cit)rrs Sei$dc Safety GdfurarEe, tle otrr of ttE srjbject brilaiJrg <br />has tlE responsi-bility to brhg the t rildfug furto sfo:IrErEe with tlE Orej$ne. <br />Ider tlE prc\,"i6idr of tle City's SeisrLic Safety Odilarc, the o*rrr is reguired to <br />ptEvid€ a stJ.tEhrral aralysis by a licrlsed stnEtrrat engijte r, civil engiJEer oraEtdt€ct. this str1)c'tlrraI analysis shaLL be cutnitt€d to the Citlrr s Depart rErrt of <br />fhnn irtg e DevelqrEnt Senrices for rerri*r wit}rir trm tnrrtred Be\renty (270) daysfiur tln date tle City has sellt tllis idtial hrrittsr rctice, or older, to the <br />buildirry I s o*rer. <br />o