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o o <br />If tle brildijlg is fourd to be deficient under tle stardards e.stablished Ly tlE <br />HinarEe, plans ard calcuLalions rEcessarl, for orrective i€rk are to be subnitted <br />togetler with the structural analysis. ltre o*rer stE1l cause the hrildjrg to be <br />structuralLy aLtejed so as to confom to tte stardards of tlE Ordjrance or cause it <br />to be denolished. Permits required to acorplish tlE rEcessa4, BtrtEtlrra1 alterations <br />shall be obtailld rpt later tlsn ore (1) year ftsn tlE &te of Ben'ice of tlE <br />rDtice to q*ner. <br />I?re alterations mrst drrlPjlce r+ittrin ore tn:Idred eighty (180) days frun the <br />date tlE pe:adt is issued. The h-rildijlg mJst be corbrted to rEet tlE [rinirr.En <br />requit€rrEnts of tle Ordillarce rDt latrr than three (3) years fi:qn the date of <br />aenrie of t}-is rDtje. If tlre o.rer or othe: person in clnrge or sltrol of, tlE <br />subject hdldjjtg fails to cotply with tle Order within any of tlE tjrE periods <br />presc5-bed try tlE Cityrs Sei$lic Safety Or:dirarEe, tlE Cityrs Dijector of Planrling <br />ard Develogrent s€rvic€s is reguired to older tlc hrilding \racated l.lI)Lil all <br />regui-red analysis ard structural altejations have beerl opleted. In adai tiqr, in <br />cases of ron-corpliance with ttte O!:dtrance, the Cityrs Directo! of Planrrijrg ad <br />DevelcFrEnt Sewices is provided w'ith otlp: r'ened.ies bry tle OriiJrarEe so as to <br />assure orpliance, <br />ltre tine rcquirsrEnts for ccrpletion of rork on a bdldijlg for tle prrpose of <br />achievilg corpliance with the provisions of tlte Ord.irrarEe nEy be er<tcrded for an <br />ad,ti tional pciod of three (3) years for a nediun risk, Class III bdldfuig, prowided <br />that tle cnarer of any such Class III t^rilafutg irlstalls ardlor provides pareial <br />repairs in accordanc-e with Sections 8-2004.1 ard 8-2005(c). <br />Your attention is also directed to Santa ArE !,[rnicipat Gde Section 8-2004.5, <br />pertaining to applications try adjoL:drry buildjrg orers for extersions of tjrre <br />regardirq tle various deadl,ines specified J.n the City's Seisnic Safety OdiJlance. <br />RIGII OF APPEAL <br />The City's DirecEor of ard De\,teloFIEnt Ser:\ricesr iniCial order (ilcluding <br />his deternirntion of classificalion of tlE subject hdlAing) nuy be afpealed by tire <br />cf,.rner or terEnt so fong as such appeal is filed w'ithi-n oe h:rdred eighty (180) ilays <br />after serrzice of tte Director's initial rptice or order qr aJctr q./rEr. <br />t{e are erElosiig a ccFy of t}le Cityts clrrrert Sei.snic Safety Safety OdfuEnce for <br />1u:r information. ff )Du should have any guesli-srs, please ontact Joe llazzeo at <br />(714) 834 4991, or cary craig at (714) 834 498I. <br />frrtV,.,/l'd-- <br />Phil FYeeLard, Director <br />PlannjJE s E\relogrFrt Senrices <br />cit], of santa ena <br />Erc